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Xerses - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

Xerses: Lamb of God

Steam ID:



Well, yesterday night (Eastern Time), I was playing on [xG] Trade Gaming History - XenoGamers.com, like I do everyday when a moderator (not sure of his position in xG but assuming mod) came onto the server responding to a complaint about micspam, his name was ohstopyou. Nothing happened for a while then someone higherup named Cain joined. He and COREY started arguing about xG and it choice of moderators and such. When Cain and COREY brought up hachi and COREY said he(she) was a 12 year old girl Cain became enraged at COREY. I typed in chat, "cain how is calling someone a girl offensive. gender doesnt matter." Shortly afterwards I was banned for 3 days by ohstopyou WITHOUT warning or an explaination of what I had done wrong. The report on


claimed it was for, "Trolling, admin disrespect, talking shit against players. Trolling duo with COREY." When I had nothing to do with COREY's opinions and beliefs about XenoGamers and its moderators. Also on pages 58-59 of the chat log, overwhelming amounts of support (linked at bottom) show that no one considered anything I said "harrassment", "trolling" or "disrespectful". I did not curse at authorities or say anything rude torwards a person on the mic whatsoever. Thank you for your time XenoGamers I would appreciate justice for what conspired on the server that night.

Chat Log: Pages 58-59 look at:

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@Ohstopyou is a Division Leader so he's way higher than mod, also come explain bby

@ChickenPanda (Cain) you too


I've seen xerses on a lot, pretty much everyday. I don't think he would purposely troll the servers. I know him and COREY both pretty well, I don't think Xerses had anything to do with him they don't really ever chat and aren't close.


if what he did was separate though then that wouldn't matter


waiting on everyone elses opinion, or for the whole story to come out



@Rejects @kbraszzz @metalslug53

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No no no no no. Your ban was from last night's events. I was called on by @Rejects and I was told that there were spammers/people using disrespectful language with other players. You and COREY proceeded to construe the truth, as you were the only ones on the mic, and state that nothing was going on. That was until I noticed people in the chat freaking out. They were stating that you were talking shit behind other staff's backs and trying to start fights, even when one of you was just banned yesterday for an hour! Not to mention, it doesn't help that you guys are both buddies and doing this together. That only makes me assume you guys are doing this on purpose.


I then checked the chat logs, which show evidence that you guys were saying things to people to try and upset them. I don't appreciate you slandering xG staff, and then when we come on to help, you guys act like nothing happened. I'm going to dump all of that evidence here.



Please note that the evidence is not in order and that the only people that had mics on the server at the time were Xerses and COREY. You can see people are responding them in the chat.










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First off, don't twist the story.


Corey was throwing out insults at Hachi, calling her a 12 year old boy among other insults. I banned him for an hour for doing that. (Which Toasty (among others) ended up bugging @kbraszzz about.) This has been blown way out of proportion, and Ohstop found a ban for the both of you appropriate.


Ohstopyou posted all the evidence, so I have nothing else to say in the matter.

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I don't think being on a steam friends list is any proof that people worked together. I have 200 steam friends, I'm only really friends with about 50 of them. They are both regulars, them being steam friends because of a trade or something isn't unheard of. Also I don't like the talking behind peoples back thing, but even if he was talking shit about me to my face I probably wouldn't ban him for it. He could have complained in a much more productive way but I don't think people talking shit about us behind our back or otherwise should be a bannable offense. we're nowhere near perfect. just my two cents.

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ohstopyou, all those things are about COREY. Ask Vaporeon, Laylee, or COREY. I NEVER said anything..and the "I will be as rude as I want" was not a serious statement, if you would take the time to read the rest of the chat logs you would understand the context of the situation. I never lied to you. I was afk for a long time (trading) and when I came back you were on and I said nothing was wrong (that's an opinionat), because I felt that nothing was wrong. Did you read pages 58-59. People say it was COREY and not myself making the rude, offensive remarks. You banned me without a warning or an explanation.

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I am friends with almost all of the regulars on that server. There is no reason I can't be friends with COREY. If your facebook friend committed a murder, does that mean you assisted him?

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I don't think being on a steam friends list is any proof that people worked together. I have 200 steam friends, I'm only really friends with about 50 of them. They are both regulars, them being steam friends because of a trade or something isn't unheard of. Also I don't like the talking behind peoples back thing, but even if he was talking fudge about me to my face I probably wouldn't ban him for it. He could have complained in a much more productive way but I don't think people talking fudge about us behind our back or otherwise should be a bannable offense. we're nowhere near perfect. just my two cents.

That wasn't my point. My point was that they were already warned about this kind of stuff, as one of them was banned earlier. Not to mention, they both were lying when I joined saying that nothing was going on. By how they were both defending each other over the mic, that throws up a red flag, and being friends on steam solidifies the red flag. That gives me suspicion that they were providing each other with a fake alibi. Not only was the ban for slandering people, they were trying to start fights with other players on the server.


Please note for everyone that the bans are not the same amount. They are staggered.

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You realize I had no idea who hachi was until yesterday....i didnt know COREY was banned or anything. i wasnt on that day. Once again I repeat I was AFK and had no idea about anything until that point. Thank you

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ohstopyou, all those things are about COREY. Ask Vaporeon, Laylee, or COREY. I NEVER said anything..and the "I will be as rude as I want" was not a serious statement, if you would take the time to read the rest of the chat logs you would understand the context of the situation. I never lied to you. I was afk for a long time (trading) and when I came back you were on and I said nothing was wrong (that's an opinionat), because I felt that nothing was wrong. Did you read pages 58-59. People say it was COREY and not myself making the rude, offensive remarks. You banned me without a warning or an explanation.

"All those things are about COREY" Explain to me how people are talking to you directly in the chat, saying you still have to follow the rules?


"...was not a serious statement" By how you were both talking to me and others on the server when I joined, and the related context, seemed pretty serious to me.


"Read the rest of the chat logs" There is nothing related to you on pages 58 and 59. I looked.


"I was afk" Why were people responding to you?


"Because I felt like nothing was wrong" That is your opinion, and it is irrelevant to the situation. That is the decision of a staff member.


"You banned me without a warning or an explanation" If I recall correctly, you both are hanging around and COREY was just banned yesterday. If that isn't warning enough for you, what about you saying you were regular? You should know the rules. Not to mention, you were both fighting with Cain when he joined and heard what was going on. I had no clue what had transpired the previous day, which is why I decided to put in the ban.


I am friends with almost all of the regulars on that server. There is no reason I can't be friends with COREY. If your facebook friend committed a murder, does that mean you buttisted him?


Did I state you couldn't be friends with him? Nope.


But we aren't talking about murder are we? If you want to make that kind of analogy. You guys were in the exact same "room" at the exact same time, during which the events transpired. How does that not seem suspicious?

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Alright. I've discussed it with the people involved, and they have assured me that you are not intentionally causing problems.


My advice is:

  • If you have a problem with our staff, please contact the DMs or DLs and we will handle it.
  • Slyly slandering behind peoples' backs will only get you into trouble.
  • Chats are logged, so trying to lie to the staff will only get you in deeper trouble

These tips are not just for you, but for everyone.



The ruling is that your ban will be reduced to a day (aka unbanned because you already served a day), and COREY's will be increased to a week. ~Closed

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