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[xg]tomahawk - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:


Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

No exploiting


Cheers all. Ive been playing on the servers for the first time in about 9 months and Ive been noticing a lot more exploiting then I used to. Tomahawk was using resizing to sneak past people including myself to kill them. This blatantly falls under the no exploitation rule. If this wasn't clear cut exploitation I wouldn't report it. Xg members and mods/former mods like @Moosty or @Kart can attest to my maturity.

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i never saw him abuse because im never on when he is, but i did see him using resizeme a lot so im neutral

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Heres a screen shot of him killing me after he resized to get past my stickies. he went back to normal size after. Please Keep in mind that I've been playing on xg servers on and off for about 3 years. normally when I've interacted with tomahawk in the past he's been cool but he deserves a warning for this shit


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proof as in a demo or screenshots of him killing people. @Ohstopyou @Rejects and @metalslug53

He is normal sized there. he changed after using the size change to get past me only to immediately kill me from behind. again not the best proof but this should be taken seriously.

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Tomahawk is a new donator. He asked me how he could use resizeme and I explainee th

Explained the does and don'ts

I probably did a bad job

Sorry for two posts, finger hit post reply

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I'll go ahead and say this:


When you guys have complaints about exploits and abuse, you need to MAKE SURE we have video evidence of the occurrences. Images and word-of-mouth doesn't directly cut it in these kinds of situations, because we literally have no context and no actual evidence to go off of.


That being said, if @Tomahawk did indeed use the resize commands to gain an advantage, it IS considered abuse and is punishable. HOWEVER, according to Kypari, his explanation of donator perks may have been fuzzy at best, so it is very possible that Tomahawk was committing an act of abuse he was unaware of, especially since he is a new donator. Now, ignorance of the law is no excuse, but typically we have to explain these benefits when they become active, just so our members know the boundaries of what they are and aren't allowed to do. So, we are typically pretty lenient when this kind of thing occurs the first time.


So, just to kill two birds with one stone, Tomahawk has been tagged and this will be his official warning for the offense, and the parties reporting the incidents now know what is expected of them when reporting abuse. No direct punishments will be dealt because it is such a minor infraction, but should he continue to commit these abuses in the future, actions will be taken.


Tomahawk, while you are under any influence of your donator commands, such as resizeme, you need to make sure you are NOT actively engaging other players. This includes toggling any of your perks to give you some sort of unfair advantage and untoggling them so that they aren't active while you kill anyone. If you are directly benefitting from your perks, it's best not to kill anyone, okay?


If there isn't anything further, we can consider this closed. I trust this won't be an issue in the future, and if it is, I'll handle it personally, yeah?


Thread will be left open for the next few hours so I may answer any questions either side may have.

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@metalslug53 ah okay sorry about that. All kypari said was "as long as you are normal sized you can kill em" so I figured, why not shrink myself till I'm close enough. Again sorry. And 2 more things. 1. Is there a thread with donator rules I can read (clearly need to). And 2. Why on my member sub? It's so cring pls no :p

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@metalslug53 ah okay sorry about that. All kypari said was "as long as you are normal sized you can kill em" so I figured, why not shrink myself till I'm close enough. Again sorry. And 2 more things. 1. Is there a thread with donator rules I can read (clearly need to). And 2. Why on my member sub? It's so cring pls no :p

Wait no this isn't my member sub. Wow gg

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Last minute post before the DM's close it.


Holy frick you're alive foxy?

Yes sir. Im on the servers. Probably won't stay long but I've been appearing

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