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Yes, another one of these threads. I know vector said i did not need to do this but i feel like i should so I can try to let the past be the past and not continue my bullshit that i seem to always end up doing. I really do hope people can forgive my past beings and let the bullshit i caused be over with. I know it seems kind of soon but if I don't make it now i might just get worse and worse to the point i get kicked out.


I want to make this like i said above, to let my past be my past. I have caused bullshit, said bullshit, acted like a dumbass, sound like a nazi, and much more. I might not act like this all the time but i do a lot and that is no ones fault but my own. This thread rabid made makes me realize that i am worsening my impression in the entire clan. I have talked shit about others behind there backs, i have been doing more harm then good recently, and I am in no way right now sane. I am not saying "I am a fucking pycho, plz feel bad i cant help myself ;cccccccc" I am simply not who i should be. I should be a higherup of a division who can make unbiased decisions, try to stay unbiased about everything, and act semi-mature. I have done none of that in the past 3 days. In the past 3 days i have talked shit about numerous people including the CL's besides hiding, gayporneon, certain tf2 staff and members alike. I would like to go through some personal apologies later so i can try to not have grudges against people if i ever encounter them.


First off i want to apologize to the CL's specifically former CL's Diabeetus and Penguin and current CL DrLee. I have called bias on things that really are not. I have acted like an asshat in the admin discussion and certain threads towards you for unfair reasons. I have no reason to hate you guys nor to even dislike you guys. I have rare encounters with you outside the forums and never really talked to you besides asking community based questions. You guys have helped me a lot and were nice enough to let me be the leader of the minecraft division when you really did not know me. You took a big risk and i hope you think it was for the best. I truly do. The last thing i want to do is let down the people who gave me big opportunities. Another problem i have had was over reacting about things that are not really that important. I bitch at you guys a lot and you don't really deserve that. You try your best and what you get is the manager of a dead division bitching about every decision and talking about you behind your back.


@Vector : I need to apologize to you for basically acting like a know it all asshat to you. You messaged me after finding out i was talking behind your back and all i did was acted like a douchebag to you. I never had real problems with you on servers and out besides maybe an argument here and there. I tried to get you permed for a petty reason and for being pissed at a guy who bugs you and impersonated you. That is a shitty move on my part. Do i agree with everything you do or say, god no. But do i think you are a shitstain who deserves to be taken away from a clan he has been with for 3 years because of petty insults? Fuck no. I might sound like I am dick sucking but i truly am feeling this way.


TF2 Staff: I have talked a lot of shit about the tf2 staff lately and for seemingly no reason. You guys are trained by asking questions and using common knowledge. Why should i get pissed at you for fucking up ONE thing? Answer is, i should not. I should have corrected it so we dont have it happen again and the staff becomes efficient. I see others doing it and yet I am not. If i would fuck up i would want someone to correct me and tell me what i should have done so i dont ever do it again. Not talk shit about you in a teamspeak room with 6 other people. I seem to be the only one not helping our staff, i see other admins telling mods how to do what and i see mods offering advice to newer ones or ones experiencing a server they rarely go on. Yet i sit and whine about you teambanning a guy for a day when it should have been a week when you just started modding jailbreak. I really need to work on that.


@ASock : I talked about you recently and made it sound like you are still a problem when you have done nothing wrong. I don't have much to say other then it was the biggest dick thing to do. Treated you unfairly and shit.


@metalslug53: For going behind your back on stuff like that abuse report. Probably one of my biggest regrets in the past month or so. Very immature of myself to make a report over something EXTREMELY minor.


Everyone who has encountered me in teamspeak: I complain a lot, none of you deserve to hear me just constantly bitch and complain, scream like an idiot, troll, and argue for no reason. I have not much else to say other then sorry for you seeing the side of me I don't want people to see.


To everyone: I should act better as a DM and not like an ass. I hope you can forgive me for my actions recently and hopefully make any encounters in the future better than what it has been right now. None of you caused my behavior, I caused it and i am working on it.


Those are the only people i can think of right now, take it how you want. I just want to make things right.


This is probably cringe worthy to some or some do not believe me. I understand, i probably would not believe myself either.

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See, if only everyone did something like this, xG may be a better place.

We do get this. Though it just comes in the insincere form of ass-kissing to get unbanned or something. It doesn't help either that anyone can write paragraphs upon paragraphs of apologies without being sincere about it in the first place (not saying such is the case, just elaborating on what I mean).


The proper thing to say would be "If only xG wasn't gaming Highschool". Though I have to say, if what was said is true in that Dethman was intentionally out to get Vector; it brings up some unpleasant memories from another DL that I'm sure @xGShadowSpy can relate this particular situation to ;)

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