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Xeno Gamers - To Do List

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To Do List

Resolve the HeLLs Gamers Issue

Problem -

Many of our members have complained about not being able to play on thier servers, because of a few people in the clan who went into thier servers and advertised a
New Lagless Server
HeLLs Lamers
. Once they realized the trolling that was happening, they community banned us from all of the servers, to ensure we do not troll them once again. Many members have left due to the drama, this being a part of it.

Solution -

The members who partook in this event need to do the following;

Apologize to the HeLLs Gamers, either on thier forums or through teamspeak

Negotiate with the head leader about unbanning us



Expand beyond Counter Strike : Source, Minecraft and Team Fortress

Problem -

We are limited to
Counter Strike : Source
and what is a small amount of
Team Fortress 2
. We have a very large gaming community, and we are quickly becoming a major part of Counter Strike : Source gaming community. We have had many suggestions about other games, but they have been ignored, even when most of the community agrees.

Solution -

Expand to other games, such as
Day Of Defeat : Source
Killing Floor
Half-Life Deathmatch
, and maybe more
Team Fortress 2
Servers, such as Prop Hunt, Arena and Wario Ware.



Stop Trolling and Flaming

Problem -

Many members have been going into other gaming community servers, and bashing them, telling them how thier servers are inferior, how bad the admins are, and how badly they handle trolling. We have also had many reports of trolling on the forums, from small,
, to entire threads bashing a person or gaming community.

Solution -

The three strikes rule. If anybody is caught making or supporting a troll thread, or purposely goes into another gaming community, will recieve a strike. These strikes reset after a 30 day time period. If 2 strikes are met, they will be on probation, and if 3 strikes are met, they will be removed from the clan. They can still re-join the clan, but only 30 days after the initial removal was given. If this happens twice, they will be able to re-join the clan, but they must wait a 1 year period.



Quiting and Re-Joining the Clan

Problem -

Many people having been leaving the clan for what they say for good, only to return to the clan one month later. Not only this, but when they are ridiculed, or the clan is going through harsh times, the leave again, only to re-join for a third time.

Solution -

Three Strikes Rule + Vouches. Everytime a person leaves, they need 3 more vouches then the previous re-join application. Once the person has has re-joined for the third time, if they choose to leave again, they may not re-join the clan until 1 year has passed by. The re-joining rules expires 1 year after the initial re-join.

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I always love your posts... And yes, you're completely right in every aspect...


Thanks for the feedback. Did you accept my friend request yet?

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I dig it.


If you can't stand up for the clan while its at its "lowest point", then why should we accept you later.

it just means you abandon the clan when things aren't going the greatest.


(this means for the people who jumped on the bandwagon)

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I don't know about the rest of the People that quit, but I'm not coming back. There are still 2 people that look for my advice in the clan because they're new but either way I'm still going to be playing on the servers and ****, just not being in the clan, because I do want to play on other servers. I still wuv the peepolz, I just don't like the drama, and I thought I'd like being in a CSS clan for the first time, but I didn't so I left.

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I already tried helping xG before I left for the Hg thing, you guys can see my post. I spent about 1-2 hours talking to their leaders and staff members, they want silence kicked out of the clan, or they won't unban any of you guys. He said because Silence took it in himself to change the name of our JB to hellslamers, they are not unbanning. Way to go silence (thumbs up)

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I already tried helping xG before I left for the Hg thing, you guys can see my post. I spent about 1-2 hours talking to their leaders and staff members, they want silence kicked out of the clan, or they won't unban any of you guys. He said because Silence took it in himself to change the name of our JB to hellslamers, they are not unbanning. Way to go silence (thumbs up)
I was talking to someone in the council, and they said to get people from our council and people from there council to discuss it.. i don't know if thats already happened or not..


EDIT: I'm not banned from any of their servers..

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Yepp it did happen, I went and talked since all Silence wanted to do was ban them with a clan-tag plug in, which would lower our chances to be unbanned from their servers. Untill Silence is out of this clan, they don't wanna unban you guys. So just remove xG from your groups, and put a ban protest if you wanna play there.

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Yea Serbian, Aegean and me tried talking to Faithless in HG and he said he would set up a meeting for them to talk, then they wanted Silence banned... *sigh* so we're not getting unbanned from hg anytime soon.

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How about populating some of the other servers. Christmas had TONS of potential so why not start there?
Agreed I <3 chirstmas

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