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Hey Guys...

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a38.media.tumblr.com_e22318e136a7059e3ad29bc2bbeece8e_tumblr_mfcbg3aaSD1rwxmv0o1_500.gif.b11df0ffc1d6effbd0e9fb3842a92dcd.gif Welp, I'm going through some tough shit in life (depression) and I think it's time I take a break and try and get my shtuff together.


Which is why I'm sorry to say that I will be stepping down as admin, as you may know my activity on the servers is so low that I haven't done anything in weeks to help this clan.


Ill still be around (I hope) just not as active as I would hope. @ChickenPanda take your spot back...


Peace nerds ❤️

(I wanna keep my member so i don't have to earn it back when I return) :llama:

LOL JK #Badmin

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Literally dead. You've killed me. My heart is broken. First Gub, then Beel, then you. My heart ;_;.


Take your time and get back on track man. If you wanna talk, I'm here. I hope we'll get to enjoy the invasion update when it comes out, that is if you're still wanting to play :c


#SQUADDOWN ;_______;

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