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TASERRSSS!!! (don't tase me bro)

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So what does everyone think about the tasers. Honestly, I think they need to be controlled a bit more, and I play as a CT more and I'm saying that soo... >_>

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Tasers are a bad idea, people abuse them. @Duckiix3 Yes Silence recently added them and they make you drop your gun and everything, so rebelling is not so fun anymore

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o_O...... really now that is kinda lame, The rules will have to be changed of again so it wouldn't be abused T_T, i can imaging this alrdy.. Many people will probally rage because of this.

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Honestly I think they are hilarious. But I was lring (no scoop) and got tazed that pissed me off. If they are used while t's do activities I think that is a abusing but while t's walk to places and such then get tazed, I think its funny. But when it's constant its really annoying.

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sounds fine to me ... They must buy the taser and only allowed 1 use like a bomb :D. That would make it more even hehe since bombs... sometime don't work and u get urself killed for jumping out of the crowd and all the hear is a beep.

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If it was only one use that kinda defeats the purpose of it and having to buy it late into a game is kinda dumb. It should be used instead of shooting a t in the face for messing up. Example: Warden says to face away from cell and they are facing cells. Shoot them with the tazer and tell them to turn around instead of taking their head off. If the rules on tazers get passed around I think the tazer can be a really great addition to keep control and game play moving. Also allows t's to stay in the game a bit longer for a simple screw up instead of BOOM HEADSHOT.

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Arthman, even with this though its not very easy to hit someone with the pistol from distance. And its just as easy if not easier to just shoot you with a gun then the pistol when you pick up a gun. The tazer just makes it so instead of you picking up the gun and dieing. You can pick up the gun and live to tell the tale.

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