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Morbus Arming File Items

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@DoctorGringo @Makr6e6


After hours of work dealing with countless problems, I've finally got five new grenades working for Morbus. These things are not by any means balanced; but, they do work properly/as intended. Seven new items are now available and need added to the arming files on all the maps.


There is a delay copying this content over to the main server (it's currently only on the test server); as, I had to modify spawner code to get mor_random_grenade working. I will merge it in the next couple of days when it's empty. An incorrect merge could break the entire server, so it's not possible to do while populated.


I highly recommend spawning random grenades at the majority of map based locations.


Also, notice how weapon_frag is the regular frag grenade included in the mor_random_grenade spawner. And that vitamins is a separate item NOT included in the grenade spawner.


Download Weapon Placer Here: http://fastdl.us.xenogamers.com/xgMorbusPlacer.zip









weapon_mor_pistol_a1 - new baster
weapon_mor_pistol_a2 - b1 beamer (broken sound, still running)
weapon_mor_pistol_a3 - x11 beamer (currently broke and disabled)
weapon_mor_pistol_b2 - arc blaster



weapon_mor_smg_a1 - BR6-SMG
weapon_mor_smg_a2 -C2-Pulsar
weapon_mor_smg_a3 -T60 Mini-SMG
weapon_mor_smg_b1 -YN1 Alpha-SMG




Edited by Vertex (see edit history)

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How are we going to have random vitamin spawns? or are we keeping them all static now?

Static for more control. The only other misc item are medpacks and glowsticks. It doesn't make sense to combine them.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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The grenades also seem to have their own slot now, instead of taking up a Utility slot. So now you can have a grenade AND a medkit/glowstick/vitamins at the same time. It is doing this with the old frag grenade as well.

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Also when we were testing, the new grenades were spawning at random_weapon locations.

Bugs aside, we'll start preparing tomorrow but await your response. We'll also post our future progress here with details.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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The grenades also seem to have their own slot now, instead of taking up a Utility slot. So now you can have a grenade AND a medkit/glowstick/vitamins at the same time. It is doing this with the old frag grenade as well.


I didn't intend for this to happen; but, is it a bad thing? We got multiple utilities and grenades now; which, theoretically isn't enough for a single slot. Players would be weighted down additionally for doing this as well.


It's foreseeable that brood aliens will receive an advantage from this though. The idea of carrying both a frag grenade and medpack significantly boosts their effectiveness; more so, than humans doing the same thing.


Looking at it from a balance perspective, this advantage is at-least partially offset by both humans and broods having it. It would also offset many late-game balance issues with swarm aliens; by, ripping groups of them apart from the throwaways people are carrying; while healing aswell.


Also, both medkits and vitamins are utilities. You're not allow to carry both at once. Having one or the other will decrease medpack usage for humans by law of averages.


Also when we were testing, the new grenades were spawning at random_weapon locations.

I will fix this bug soon. This would be more efficient to test with anther person. It's definitely doable solo testing; but, it's highly inefficient for a single person to do multiple semi-unrelated tasks at once.


Bugs aside, we'll start preparing tomorrow but await your response.

You should be fine skipping ahead and preparing. These bugs are separate from the arming, (adding spawn locations on maps) in the sense that there's nothing I can foresee to change or impact how this task is done.


Right click throwing the new grenades causes your HUD to mess up because it is also zooming in with the grenade. The regular frag grenade does not have this issue.

Using the frag grenade as reference, it should be theoretically possible to spot and correct the caused difference. Or in worse case remove the right click on-the-spot drop from these newer grenades.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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HeyGuys AP Art here.


While I think having glowsticks have their own separate slot would have been better than the nades having their own slot,(nades vs medkits should be the hard decision being made imo, not glowstick vs medkit. Would also buff the human side more honestly, newbies would be more willing to pick up glowsticks and Medkits. Broods would have to choose between a nade and medkit. glowsticks do not help them. ) I think its fine that nades are separate, but it lets human side players be more aggro.


I want to tell you guys tho, be careful with the addition of the new nades. TG added them to their server, and it did not add much to the game. Humans never really used the nades, and if you were a brood you'd rather have wanted a frag gernade.


The main problem I see with these nades was that it added nothing for the humans, while for the broods they wouldn't be affected much by it, it certainly wasn't a disadvantage.


Smoke grenades are useless for humans, broods have alien vision that allow them to see through it. it was kind of buggy too, gave some fps lag and I think sometimes you could see people despite the smoke. if you throw it as a brood, its kinda of useless due to the time it takes humans can move out of it. if they cant for some reason, its a disadvantage to them. Smoke seemed kind of bs to play vs if you were human.


Cryo sounds good for humans, but Broods should be able to out run it due to the time it takes for detonation. I think it does 1 second of stun? I think if you are human, and get hit by this, its more disastrous than if a Brood got hit by it.


Plasma was a sticky nade I think. Instant kill on a human if you were Brood, planted it on a human then ran away. Humanside if you see a brood in human form, you just want to shoot it. if you throw it on a Brood in brood form they have resis + hp increases that allow them to survive the nade. No counter to it as a human and just kind of bs.


Toxic, a Brood can just run through this, and with HP regen upgrades it doesnt matter too much if you are in it for a second or two, you are gonna regen it back. Humans however, with the disadvantage of the weight system will be more likely to stay in the toxic for longer. You can choose to not run through it, but if you have swarms/broods running at you, and your trying to run away, your gonna be hurt either way.


Incendiary I dont remember much of , if it either just burned people or did the same thing as a frag + burn people. either way, I didnt see the usefullness of this nade.


Basically, the nades didnt add too much to tg, and it added a layer of 'bs' things to deal with as human side. Pls be carefull with the implementation of the nades/consider removing them after you guys have tried it out for your selfs.


Vitamins I think are ok. I guess they allow people to move around the map more, and Broods can't use them. I dont like it if vitamins have the same place as medkits tho.

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@DoctorGringo @Makr6e6

  • Fixed a bug with weapon placements causing random grenade spawns not to function as intended
  • Fixed a bug with bug with secondary attack (right click) messing up the client's HUD
  • Cleaned up grenade code and improved performance by modifying its base class.

Utility slots are still bugged, I will look into these anther time. And the spaceship test-server arming file is messed up. (I still have the random grenade spawns values used for testing in it)

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Personally, I like what the server has been doing, balance changes and quality of life additions/removal of some bs stuff. The server's basically what TG should have been if they bothered to improve stuff instead of thinking the devs were right.


I think the removal of 'bs' stuff should be done, like the thing where you cant switch to weapons if you have the medkit out as a human, the redness/screen blur when low hp, the stun on nitro spit shouldnt be a stun where you cant move your screen and cant move, and should be a slow instead, reworking scream away from something that blocks a persons vision, make nades more visable or have a glow to them when thrown so people can dodge them more ezily.


I love the server and i cant play on any other morbus server tbh. :DDDDDD

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Smoke grenades are useless for humans, broods have alien vision that allow them to see through it. it was kind of buggy too, gave some fps lag and I think sometimes you could see people despite the smoke. if you throw it as a brood, its kinda of useless due to the time it takes humans can move out of it. if they cant for some reason, its a disadvantage to them. Smoke seemed kind of bs to play vs if you were human.

I have removed the think code for smoke grenades; which, theoretically would be the cause of that lag. The smoke effects are created only once when the initial explosion happens, instead of 60+ times per second.

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I have removed the think code for smoke grenades; which, theoretically would be the cause of that lag. The smoke effects are created only once when the initial explosion happens, instead of 60+ times per second.

awesome. I hope that fixes the problem.

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Also, I made an improved version of the Morbus Placer with this content added and numerous bug fixes. It is a handy tool, which, automates the file arming process for maps. Makr6e6 is already using it but here's the link in case anyone else wants it. It can be downloaded here. http://fastdl.us.xenogamers.com/xgMorbusPlacer.zip

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Give your thoughts on this if you want @Stickz @Makr6e6 @CharDraesia


Not sure if you knew, but we have a thread dedicated to Requests for the Morbus server, which can be found here: Requests For The Morbus Server


While I think having glowsticks have their own separate slot would have been better than the nades having their own slot,(nades vs medkits should be the hard decision being made imo, not glowstick vs medkit. Would also buff the human side more honestly, newbies would be more willing to pick up glowsticks and Medkits. Broods would have to choose between a nade and medkit. glowsticks do not help them. ) I think its fine that nades are separate, but it lets human side players be more aggro.

Glowsticks being separate wouldn't be a bad thing, would be a small buff to the humans and would make glowsticks way more useful. I don't think grenades having their own seperate slot is a good idea, and would insanely buff Broods, as they would be able to carry a Medkit AND a grenade with no penalty. They should have to choose between a grenade and a medkit, healing or damage, not get the best of both worlds.


As for the new grenades in general, the problem isn't going to be the addition of the grenades themselves but what we decide to do with them. Having them on the main server for a while and seeing how players use them and seeing what the issues with them are is the first step. If we do this, we will be able to make balance changes accordingly. It is already clear from my short time using them on the test server that some are weak/useless and very strong. Changes will eventually be made, we just need to figure out what needs to be changed.


like the thing where you cant switch to weapons if you have the medkit out as a human

I don't know anything about this or maybe I just don't understand what you're saying.


the redness/screen blur when low hp

We have had this suggestion in the past, I personally don't have a preference either way and I don't think the redness really blocks the screen the way some players think. I also think it makes sense for it to be in the game, but I wouldn't care if it was removed. Probably should be on the lower end of the to-do list.


the stun on nitro spit shouldnt be a stun where you cant move your screen and cant move, and should be a slow instead,

I don't use this upgrade myself, nor do I see it used very often. I do however think a full stun per hit is very strong since it also disables your gun on top of disabling movement, maybe a slow would be a less OP option.

reworking scream away from something that blocks a persons vision

Maybe have it so it shakes their screen instead? Makes more sense since your letting out a high pitched noise. This may be above our a abilities as well. I don't really think Screach is that OP of an ability anyway, but if others feel differently than maybe it can be reworked/nerfed.


make nades more visable or have a glow to them when thrown so people can dodge them more ezily.

YES! I agree that a glow would be good for the grenades, making them easier to spot out. The frag can be very difficult to spot out, even when the lights are on.

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Lets say you have selected a medkit, then select a weapon with mouse wheel. if you press your keybind for previous weapon, I think what happens is you switch from your weapon to the medkit and if you press the keybind again, it will not go back to your weapon. (i might be remembering wrongly, and its vice versa)


basically, q is my button for selecting to the last selected weapon, if i have a rifle out and then use mouse wheel to get to smg, q will let me switch between the 2. but that interaction doesnt work with the utility slot.


The Screen blur overlay annoys me personally, I think it would be better if it was removed, I'd think that people would acknowledge when they are being hit and look at the hp bar. I know how to remove it, so I guess ask me on how to remove it, its simple. If there has to be something telling you that you are low hp, I think it would be good to have the HP bar change colors, or have the overlay be a f3 option. But that requires programing.


I think that screech should become a right click ability which sends out a "shock wave' or screech at a location/mb even through walls and it disrupts human aim. I guess if it was to be made to be counterable, it spreads the aim disruption between humans depending on the number of targets it hits. I guess that would also lead to some skill being involved with it, where if you wanted to fuck over someone with a group, you'd use the screech so the edge of the aoe/cone/ability just hits one human instead of the whole group.


but I'm pretty sure that requires a decent amount of programming, so I think Remscar would have to do it.


I think a Blue particle effect would be great for the nades, Blue isnt a color you see often in morbus.

Edited by APArtHistory (see edit history)

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