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Exsplosive Arrows Suggestion

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Server: saxton hale


Suggestion: my suggestion is that i think explosive arrows should do less self damage i have seen recently that explosive arrows do ridicuolus damage to your self, if the hale teleports to you and you shoot you 1 shot your self and also one part thats good about explosive arrows it lets you jump and when i jumped it did about 115 health to me and then i die to fall damage so i think we should lower self damage so that snipers can use them to jump and make it so if the hale teleports you not completly done for.

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Adding to suggestion:

The hale can use explosive arrows, which does MASSIVE splash damage. My suggestion is to ban explosive arrows on blu or lessen the splash damage or range.

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Adding to suggestion:

The hale can use explosive arrows, which does MASSIVE splash damage. My suggestion is to ban explosive arrows on blu or lessen the splash damage or range.

Nope, we already have more than 50% of the perks disabled. I do not support the removal of any more perks. And by the way, playpoints does not let you ban perks on specific teams.


Explosive arrows are pretty overpowered already. They give you an insane advantage, therefore you should take the risk if you use them.


Any opinions on this? @Bone @SnowyMinion

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Alrighty, so.... I feel like the explosion radius is a bit much when used by Hale but seems fine to me when players use it. It could do a little less damage, but rocket jumping has the same risk of blowing yourself up, so just don't hit yourself as a Sniper. Hales however shouldn't get to use it, since one guy as CBS can kill a group of people in one shot without even aiming


-edit note- Due to this and another issue I've known about that can be a bit OP... it may be in our best interest to find a replacement for PP if possible. If for some reason explosive arrows gets removed, then a whole new perk plugin should just replace PlayPoints

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Hales however shouldn't get to use it


It'd mean more effort moderating to see if the hale is using explosive arrows. There really shouldn't be a nerf. Just hale not being allowed to use PP. Shouldn't be able using PP skills as hale in the first place.


it may be in our best interest to find a replacement for PP if possible.


We tried out a different system, and people didn't seem to like it. People are too tied to PP and scared of change. I personally thought the perk system that was tested out was very cool. Being able to build different styles. All that needed to be done was balancing. Balance out the skills so that once it got later into the map hale would have a chance at killing others.

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It'd mean more effort moderating to see if the hale is using explosive arrows. There really shouldn't be a nerf. Just hale not being allowed to use PP. Shouldn't be able using PP skills as hale in the first place.




We tried out a different system, and people didn't seem to like it. People are too tied to PP and scared of change. I personally thought the perk system that was tested out was very cool. Being able to build different styles. All that needed to be done was balancing. Balance out the skills so that once it got later into the map hale would have a chance at killing others.


1. Hale doesn't need to activate it, it happens at random automatically. Even if the person playing Hale doesn't have Explosive, they'll be explosive


2. The plugin you're talking about is extremely easy to customize. Everything about it is customizable, it just takes some work, etc. A lot of people did like the plugin, but were upset homing was removed, now that it's already removed I'm sure they won't care


I had actually thought of something but uhh, ehhhh.... a lot of work..


Basically, TF2Items is a plugin used to give players the Bosses' set weapons. You could technically write a long list of code that makes every weapon have new attributes.


Example: Knife; On backstab get 5 seconds of crits and get 100 HP overheal. GRU; Even faster movement speed (maybe like 450), faster firing speed, but slowly drains HP. Sniper Rifle; Outlines boss on hit, explosive headshots, crits mid-air targets.

This could be done with every weapon to basically re-make the buffs the weapons get on FF2. Just change weapons for different buffs and play styles. It would take a lot of work, but would certainly be something original to the server

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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The plugin you're talking about is extremely easy to customize.


That's what I am saying. We could of balanced out the issues that came up.


As for the plugin you suggested, that sounds like it would be pretty cool. Allowing players to test out with different item loadouts to get the most out of utility/damage. It would just need someone to be willing to code it out, unless there is already a template out there for the plugin.

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That's what I am saying. We could of balanced out the issues that came up.


As for the plugin you suggested, that sounds like it would be pretty cool. Allowing players to test out with different item loadouts to get the most out of utility/damage. It would just need someone to be willing to code it out, unless there is already a template out there for the plugin.


There's no template sadly, but it's not hard to make. I used to use it to give myself Unusual hats :cool:

You could technically use it to give yourself an SMG that fires exploding Miniguns... but let's not get carried away.

I believe @Rejects also knows how to do it

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looking at the config for playpoints there are 2 attributes for explosive arrows

sm_playpoints_exparrowdamage (set to 500)

sm_playpoints_exparrowradius (set to 2000!!!)

damage and radius


I'll reduce the radius to a tiny amount so that it still explodes but it requires better aim to hit so snipers will have to aim LOL WHO CAN DO THAT?


_______________________________________________________________________________________Super important seperator line


as for what bone suggested with changing weapon attributes that would take a lot of work but it would work

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looking at the config for playpoints there are 2 attributes for explosive arrows

sm_playpoints_exparrowdamage (set to 500)

sm_playpoints_exparrowradius (set to 2000!!!)

damage and radius


I'll reduce the radius to a tiny amount so that it still explodes but it requires better aim to hit so snipers will have to aim LOL WHO CAN DO THAT?


_______________________________________________________________________________________Super important seperator line


as for what bone suggested with changing weapon attributes that would take a lot of work but it would work


It'd take a lot of work, sure, but I'm willing to do all the "coding" myself. And since it'll automatically activate when anyone on the server equips a certain item, it'd be easy to test and balance

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