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Soon, Real Soon

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Ayy I finally get to make my storage run and have a bed and desk again starting tomorrow. I know I've been inactive the past two weeks but that changes tomorrow. I get fully moved in and settled, and I won't be living out of a duffel bag and sleeping on the floor anymore. That means back to gaming. My steam activity is basically RIP right now but have no fear it won't stay that way. I'll be over the 20 hours server and 5 hours ts3 by next promo no problem. Thanks for believing in me and not insta demoting, good looking out fam @Goblins @Bello @Rejects and @mrnutty12 (for like 5 minutes)



Honestly I'm so hyped to game again not being on the computer is super refreshing at first but it gets old fast.





Just look at the setup lying in wait, longing to be completed.


Also my roomates cat fucked up those paper towels and I hadn't noticed, damn.


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