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Colour's Goodbye

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Sigh, I knew you would have done this sooner or later. I will miss you so much baby cakes, we must play something still, you were my first friend in this clan and will be forever missed by yours truly.


Godspeed my friend....

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Other then the week I was at my friend's cottage, i'm on JB, Minigames, and sometimes RPG surf every day for an hour or 2, and on forums for longer. Our JB is always populated, so i'm not surprised you haven't seen me active. Oh well, I will miss you love <3

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As bad as it may sound colour makes a lot of good points. What happened to 16+?. I hear people in xG that sound maybe 14 and im giving them the benefit of the doubt. Also, people rage everytime they get muted/gaged/banned and just go straight to admin abuse because they aren't mature enough to just take it like a man. I think wayyyyyyyy too many people forget this is just a game. If you got muted its probably for good reason and you need to suck it up. If i was a mod i know i'd be thinking in the back of my head "If i mute him whats gonna happen?". Mods need to be trusted more as well... I've seen it first hand in JB. A mods word should be just as high as an admins imo. I see way more mods on the servers then admins so I would imagine that mods know what the hell is going on. Colour, you will be greatly missed. Your seriousness was a great attribute that some mods tend to lack. Unfortunately it was your downfall :$. peace!

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I have an idea for the children thing. what if we don't allow people under the age of 16 to vouge for other memebers.


Or just remove all the people under six teen with the exeption of like duckiijr etc

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I hate to agree with him, but he's right.

This clan is (now) sh*t, and it's not going to improve any time soon.


It's filled with complete idiots and children. the "new" ranking system obviously failed

hard-core, especially if there are major trust issues. Rules aren't being properly in-forced,

people continue to disrespect, break the rules, and troll. (also, you f*cking tards' need to

learn what a troll is. If someone insults you, that's NOT a troll. lurk moar you summer fags)

yet, no one does anything about it. (brian is one of the few people who actually tries to improve the clan and attempt to organize it.)


so, with that being said - (i hate to jump on the bandwagon, but..) I'm out as well.

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People are always being disrespectful too each other and nothing happens

I try to make this a GREAT clan with little trolling, little annoyance, and friendly players.


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colour i dont see u active on the servers either, except those couple of times that u were on gungame and stuff, also im in jb but i almost always go in spectator to watch for freekillers, vent breakers, hackers etc. u prob look for my name in the player list and not find it, also im active later on in the day, and im on ts and forums every day, so idk what u're talking about but ur entitled to ur opinion so ill let u say what u want to say

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