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How to make communist spaghetti

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Good day comrades, today i teach you how to make spaghetti in Siberia. You're probably wondering "how can one comrade make spaghetti with only potatoes and snow?" Well my dear friends i will show you. First you are goi g to need these ingredients: 50 potato, 9 cups of Siberian grade snow, and 10 bottles of 100 proof vodka.

First grab and peel all 50 potatoes with hands. Get 20 of them and cut them into strips with bear hunting knife, mash the other 30 with hands until the potatoes are a paste. Next grab a pot and put in the slices of potato and 5 bottles of vodka. Put pot in fire, take it out before house burns down. Now drain the vodka (if theres any left) with a strainer. Next get the potato paste and mix it with rest of vodka. Now combine the slices of potato with the paste in separate bowl and enjoy comrade! 

Almost forgot snow is just for keeping vodka cold

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