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Server: "Auto-Disconnect" >:{

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I have noticed quite a bit latley that i will just be playing, minding my own bisnuess. When all of the sudden xG JB server losses connection >:{ it says in the top right corner "Auto-Disconnect: *count down from 30 seconds*" i join agian to find it is a new map, and play goes on as normal, but i find this anoying. Dors anyone else have this problem?! I'm all like OMG-WTF-BBQ!


-Thank You <3

Slipery Fingers

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When that happens it means the connection to the server was lost, this usually happens to everyone and might be because of a DDoS attack or just loss of connection. It happens more on some maps for some reason, but should fix itself quick enough.

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I think it's one of the hats that keeps crashing the server so I disabled the hats plugin and added a notice to capture when the server crashes. If it stops crashing we found the problem :P

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Silence, even though you disabbled !hats, the crash still happens, i rember me and Drink the pee pee (aswell as others) being stuck on a map (lego i belive) for atleast an hour and a half before we got the T's to RTV, but realize it is not olny lego, we were on another map for about an hour before we RTV "ed"

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