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after school i was asked by some random person if they wanted to fight. i was like srsly we ended up fighting and i kicked his so have you ever been in a fight? yes or no?

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Never got in a legit fight, would never get in one over petty insults anyways, but if anyone disrespects family or my gf, then I will kick their .

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No I never have. It's not worth going to jail for, or losing my senior privalege for. I wouldn't be allowed to take a government job like being a cop or a Marine. Just avoid dbags and carry something like a knife or pepper spray (ONLY IF YOU'RE LEGAL) if the person challenging you has a weapon. Never pull on an unarmed person, that's a huge nono. I mainly carry pepper spray or a knife for animals. I've been attacked by wild dogs twice in the woods. hurts, yo.


Fighting over stupid is just really childish, like 2 kids wrestling over a tonka truck (THOSE WERE THE ). IMO, only fight someone if your life is in danger and you have no other options. If you have to fight with weapons, gtfo; you'd be going to jail if you win or lose for a long time. If you're being mugged, hand you over, life isn't worth losing for $50 or your favorite watch. If you're being abducted or held hostage, you better be ready to take thier life if you can't escape. Nobody really understands the gravity of thier situation until they're in it.

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I fight for my life, friends lives, and my family.


If someone is holding me at gunpoint, I'll risk my own to save anyone else.

If someone is holding my family at gunpoint, I'll be on them, or make them take myself instead.


Never fight for any another reason, IMO. I would never fight for my country, fight for a petty reason, or fight to prove my morals right.

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Fights are meaningless, so are the morals of humanity. Why should I restrict my actions because of rules set ago by my ancestors? It was mention ever since the beginning in the bible, every human is born naked, but why hide your existence?


What does being a human mean?


Does it mean emotions overwhelming you and you only, or does it mean something more? Philosophy is an important aspect and must not be overlook, always questioning, yet never finding an answer, only to realize everything is nothing.


A death means nothing, happens everyday, but what will happen with 100s of important individuals such as scientists and famous politicians? Are their lives more important than 2k people living in poverty and warfare? Humanity is cruel, although acknowledged, we live on knowing our crimes and ignoring it regardless. Time is changing, acceptance is changing, senescence is active.


Does my speech of mind mean something?


Anyway, sorry for my philosophical approach there. lol

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philosophical raptor agrees that fighting is when talking a problem out fails. also im 6'7, nvr had someone willingly challenge me to a fight without thinking that they would get their beat to

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thank you for the speech i now know the diffrence between my respect and respect for others and i promise not to get into some random again thanks everybody!

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I'm only 15.. But I've gotten into a couple scraps. I have a bad anger problem. I hate when like guys touch me in like any harmful way like pushing, punching, any touching etc even if they're my friends. I got into a fight first day of 9th grade for some kid hitting me in the nuts, then I fought his friend and kicked his , then got into another fight in like January with some fat boxer kid and won that one. So yeah. Fought my best friend once too, nudged into my arm so I pushed him and he punched me in the chest, so I punched him in the face and he like ran off lol. (he's a ).

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