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neteX? Last chance?

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-1 always trolls, never stops spamming admin chat, threatens every admin on all the time "i have vids of you abusing" it just gets so annoying reading that in admin chat while you can't catch every single thing that happens in the game. I know many people will agree with me on this -1..if your asking for a "last chance" then that just means you've been given way too many bud. No just no. My -1 will always stand you trolled way too much and you thought it was cute. You claimed a division leader gave you permission to have 2 freekills per map. That was probably never said because I don't think any division leader would have their position if they allowed someone 2 freekills per map without any slaying. You ed if we slayed you saying OH WELL (disclosed namehere) said I can freekill so your slaying wasn't justified "thats admin abuse lolz im reporting i have it on demo" You just don't deserve to be back in the server..you will never give up your ego is bigger than your head. You over analyze every single thing just NO.

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-1 he wont ever change...he will cause as soon as he comes on the servers. He trolls massively and he is a whiny . I slayed him 1 time ever and he trolls me for the rest of my life...ive banned him numerous times he kept getting unbanned...he gets unbanned again (which wont happen as silence said) I am leaving this clan.

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Netex your possibly the stupidest idiot I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. HOWEVER, past all your shittyness (Unattractive, Fat, Ugly, wierd) you did man up. Slightly. Granted I was not in the game to see you after I banned you (Fortunately). BUT, when I was, you weren't trolling and we're being trolled. I believe you understand the limits but have no honour. Also, im impressed with the fact that you have actually cut back your trolling and have managed to make it this far without punching through your monitor.

+1 for getting better, -1 for having no honour what so ever. +0

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Not gonna take a stand here, just wanna point out how many odds are stacked against you here NeteX, you were banned by Silence with the reason as "No chance of getting unbanned." And even though you only want to be unbanned from Pub, people will most likely -1 you anyways simply because they don't want you to ever have happiness. So, erm, good luck haha. Not trying to be rude, just telling it how it is x3

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If you cant read DuckiWannabee i said I wana get unbanend to play with RABID in a PUB server , not play Jb.




You prove out point for us. Now go away.

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