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AquaNighty - Verbal and Text Harrassment

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Despite the voting, Aegean and Silence still have the final word on this, right?


People's feedback are highly welcome but have to be legit reasons not just like "omg ban him liek 4 being a doo doo head to me :c"


And the co-leaders/division leaders + some admins talk over it and give the final word

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People's feedback are highly welcome but have to be legit reasons not just like "omg ban him liek 4 being a doo doo head to me :c"


And the co-leaders/division leaders + some admins talk over it and give the final word


Am I immature because I lauged at "doo doo head" ?

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+1 aboose, Plus once I told Serbian that Nighty was being a ♥♥♥♥ head and free-knifing/tazing ts and Nighty called me a snitch and all that.

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+1 hes done all of this, ive seen him nife and everything, and ive gotten him caught for ct changing himself while im in position one.

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Fine, Demote me but the "mass" freekill was a misstake i didn't know u could do that and for muting him i had a reason

And oscar i havn't done that but Highplains, quarantine, moarphail and alot more people done it

HIghplains used swap immedetly when he was alive and in ct and then he killed all the cts.

He even kicked 40 people once.


And SGTBLU i didn't care u told serbian i called u a snitch for telling the CT's where i was hiding when i rebelled

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^ -1 he should be mod hes on the mornings

And The Mass Freekill accdent is the past he got a ban and learned from it i think.

btw i heard him say talk over warden u will be muted/killed alot of t's kept doing it and they got killed and Exotic was talking all the time over, alot of t's were complaining. they couldn't hear the warden. Thats probably why he got muted.

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The screenshot don't really provide to much about his aboose.. it would have been better to have a demo.. This SS is just showing us he was spamming the F word but we don't know if he was the only one dead or not since when i play with him sometimes i die and see him chatting to himself o_O.. Anyways its just showing him muting someone but it still don't tell us if he had a reason to or not.

Besides if you were alone as mod within the server i say swapping to ct is fine as long as your doing it to watch over the other ct's while playing.


Also, Some mods make mistakes of massfreekill such as playing 4 corners and ect.. But it doesn't mean they'll get removed right away.. they'll be place on probation for abit of time.. Unless they did it on purpose knowing the rules >_>, Besides some of our mods / admin had done even worst but you see now they're much better and even some of them could possible be your favorite.

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The screenshot don't really provide to much about his aboose.. it would have been better to have a demo.. This SS is just showing us he was spamming the F word but we don't know if he was the only one dead or not since when i play with him sometimes i die and see him chatting to himself o_O.. Anyways its just showing him muting someone but it still don't tell us if he had a reason to or not.

Besides if you were alone as mod within the server i say swapping to ct is fine as long as your doing it to watch over the other ct's while playing.


Also, Some mods make mistakes of massfreekill such as playing 4 corners and ect.. But it doesn't mean they'll get removed right away.. they'll be place on probation for abit of time.. Unless they did it on purpose knowing the rules >_>, Besides some of our mods / admin had done even worst but you see now they're much better and even some of them could possible be your favorite.

He already is on probation >.>

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Whats been happening to you, Nighty? I haven't been on the servers for about 1-2 weeks now but when I still had my computer, I noticed a steady decline in your personality and how you treated others with more and more disrespect starting very shortly after you got Moderator, alongside myself.


I even had to slay you multiple times since you would just continue to be annoying and disrespectful not only to me, but to everyone in the server. I like you as a player Nighty, but when you continue to just ♥♥♥♥ all over the rules and act like an annoying ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ something needs to be done.


Smarten up; I would hate to believe that what little power we actually have as moderators is going to your head, but that is the only rational argument I can come up with given the circumstances that have come to light recently.


-1 for removing his mod, but +1 for extending his probation and having a serious discussion with all the leaders of xG to determine what the ♥♥♥♥ is going on.

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Like i said , we place people on probation i nvr did say he wasn't

I know, I'm saying he's already on probation for the mass freekill, and then this, even though this isn't really abuse, as much disrespect.. but still..

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