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Getting trolled is a two way deal, brah.

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If you can read, you've probably noticed in ban requests how often someone says "he was trolling". Pretty often. Now, what most derpasaurs don't know is that trolling IS NOT one or two comments that someone makes to tease or poke fun at, NOR is it flat out insults that someone makes towards you. Want to know what it is? Urban dictionary is your friend.


Now, the IMPLICATION that is made when you say "He was trolling me" IS THAT YOU ARE A MAD BRO AND YOU GOT MAD. If he TROLLED you, you're basically saying he was a successful troll.


Successful Troll 2.swf (Loop, epilepsy, 4chan)


Bringing forth the possibility that you may have not acted in the best way either. That obviously isn't going to be the case in every situation. HOWEVER. This is the internet, younglings. Here there are many dark forces of evil that seek to cover our beautiful world in shadow and misery (lolghey). Trolls are out in force, and if you allow yourself to succumb to their provocations, you are letting them win. SO. Don't use "He was trolling me" as an excuse to drop down to their level. Be the bigger man/woman. Keep your mouth silent towards them, report them and move on.

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Don't feed the trolls.


Trolls are after your reaction. Don't react and you won't get trolled.


aka, don't take things so seriously. its a game, and the internet.

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