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Kim Jong Il

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So, whatya guys think. Good or bad?


I personeally think his son is NOT ready to rule north korea. A whole lotta ♥♥♥♥ is probaly gonna be wrong.


So, south koreans. What do you think?





and canadians, cuz he didnt even see you on the map when he decided to talk ♥♥♥♥




RUSSIANS? (quarantine)



and hmm....





12 and under year olds?


Mlitary troops? (Welcome home btw)


so yea if its a tl;dr then ♥♥♥♥ off, just say which one of theese you are before you post




Edit, [video=youtube;jdug6yHJB40]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdug6yHJB40 I love american youtube.

Once again, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbjVI Have a nice day <3

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Kim Jung Un probably won't be put into power, his uncle will. Both hate America more than Kim Jung Il and Kim Il Sun. I'm going to be major pissed if they start WW3 and I have to get drafted. I'll be forced to die "for (by) my country" over some shittly little country in the far east. Unfortunatly, Ajmadinijad (President of Iran) is bffs<3 with Kim Jung Un and will use his political power to force his anti-american will onto North Korea.

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North Korea would have to have huge balls to even attempt to start a war with the United States.

Do you guys realize how powerful we are? The North Korean army may be big, but they plain out suck.


Their air force is... sad. They have some solid, reliable light cargo/transport planes from WWII USSR, but they had to ground most of them due to a lack of fuel. They issue AK-47 clones to their troops. You may be thinking "Well, AKs are really powerful!" The truth of the matter is that they have taken a ton of shortcuts to manufacture the AKs and due to that, they usually fail to start or are extremely rusty.


Their submarines are terribad. They don't even have surface ships bigger than a frigate. Our navy is ten million times better than theirs, we would blow their submarines into a thousand shiny pieces.


Finally, although many people will tell you that North Korea has nuclear weapons, they aren't that great. We've never seen proof that they have nuclear warheads like they claim. Only evidence of sub-kiloton explosions underground, which could be done by filling a cavern with conventional explosives. There hasn't been any sort of radiation to back up the nukes claim.


Even if they do have nuclear warheads AND they actually work, their delivery systems are poop. Most of their missiles blow up on the launch pad or blow up a few seconds after launch, and if they don't spontaneously combust they crash into the ocean. Sounds pretty bad for a country that threatens others with nuclear weapons, right?


Oh, and if North Korea ever decided to go to war with South Korea, the US would have their back yo.

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Key factor you're missing there, Trif.




China? China has no sort of logistical capabilities, they have a bunch of soldiers but if they try to load them on the ships, they wouldn't be able to fuel them, they haven't figured out how to create an offensive navy yet. The US has air and naval superiority plus a technological superiority.


You're also forgetting the fact that if we managed to get into a nuclear war, China wouldn't last long. After they've launched their nukes, the United States would laugh in their face and launch a hundred nukes that are a thousand times stronger in the most populated areas of China, wiping out any advantage their ground units might have.


However, It is very true that China has 300-400 nuclear weapons. But, only 30-40 are capable of striking the United States: the DF-5 ICBM and the JL-1 SLBM . None of the other weapons have the range.



Lastly, if we got into a war with China, the Chinese would have more survivors because of their much larger population, which is also much more adapted to adversity and wars than the American people.

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North Korea would have to have huge balls to even attempt to start a war with the United States.

Do you guys realize how powerful we are? The North Korean army may be big, but they plain out suck.


Their air force is... sad. They have some solid, reliable light cargo/transport planes from WWII USSR, but they had to ground most of them due to a lack of fuel. They issue AK-47 clones to their troops. You may be thinking "Well, AKs are really powerful!" The truth of the matter is that they have taken a ton of shortcuts to manufacture the AKs and due to that, they usually fail to start or are extremely rusty.


Their submarines are terribad. They don't even have surface ships bigger than a frigate. Our navy is ten million times better than theirs, we would blow their submarines into a thousand shiny pieces.


Finally, although many people will tell you that North Korea has nuclear weapons, they aren't that great. We've never seen proof that they have nuclear warheads like they claim. Only evidence of sub-kiloton explosions underground, which could be done by filling a cavern with conventional explosives. There hasn't been any sort of radiation to back up the nukes claim.


Even if they do have nuclear warheads AND they actually work, their delivery systems are poop. Most of their missiles blow up on the launch pad or blow up a few seconds after launch, and if they don't spontaneously combust they crash into the ocean. Sounds pretty bad for a country that threatens others with nuclear weapons, right?


Oh, and if North Korea ever decided to go to war with South Korea, the US would have their back yo.


Yeah I get what you mean but I'm talking fanatical Iran, NK, China, and Russia against US, EU, and our allies, not just NK/Iran. Russia would give ♥♥♥♥ support because they're getting raped by the Georgians atm. China would either be all in or not get involved. Thier economy relies on commercialism from the US, but if they managed to take us over they'd just sell to thier new allies. Plus, since manufacturing is declining due to things like unions, deflation, and minimum wage, they're having trouble keeping buisness and they know they'd have to give up anyway. All of thier business is being sent to other countries like Vietnam and Taiwan, because they are now becoming WAY more advanced and thier standard of living has shot way up. As for AKs, Norincos are made by the Chinese and are sold to them for next to nothing, since the Korean war. China invested a ♥♥♥♥ ton in that country and will be damned if the country crumbles and reunites with SK. Iran and North Korea are dumbasses and will launch thier failnukes and dirtybombs in smaller cities and military bases that are within ~100 miles from thier country, since thier delivery is ♥♥♥♥. We all know NK are the biggest trolls in the planet, since thier invasion tunnel scandal and attacking that SK ship/island a few years back and saying the SK started it. They'd pull cheap shots like that because they know they'd lose anyway but really have no choice becasue they're both going to be overthrown in a few decades/years.

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Im kind of glad he died since he was a dictator over North Korea they were doing so bad.... like starving and like the thing is I dont like one person in charge because... thats just to much power and a person with to much power is scary..

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Im kind of glad he died since he was a dictator over North Korea they were doing so bad.... like starving and like the thing is I dont like one person in charge because... thats just to much power and a person with to much power is scary..


But, like his father, the cycle is going to start all over again with his son and/or his uncle

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Thanks for the feed back guys, i think we could have a legit convo.







Another fact, like carasmmi said, chinas econemey relies on nato.


Another, we have laser technology ( i got this from the military channel) that can fry nukes, not explode them over usa, but fry there syestums, so they either just dont work, or they just make a small explosion, but with no radiation or ♥♥♥♥ like that.


Russia is in the middile of protests, irans nukes are ghetto, and who knows, maybe whoever takes over will maybe be less hostile towards america


---------- Post added at 06:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 AM ----------


Oh, and just because china has such a big population, doesnt mean all of them go to war.


---------- Post added at 06:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 AM ----------


ONE MORE THING. You cant threaten someone with only 10 ghetto nukes :p

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Lol we had the SDI since Nixon (I think?)


and I lol at the fact that if 100,000 screaming chinese came running up a hill at us we could take the majority out with a cluster bomb XD Talk about cost effectiveness :3

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North Korea would have to have huge balls to even attempt to start a war with the United States.

Do you guys realize how powerful we are? The North Korean army may be big, but they plain out suck.


Their air force is... sad. They have some solid, reliable light cargo/transport planes from WWII USSR, but they had to ground most of them due to a lack of fuel. They issue AK-47 clones to their troops. You may be thinking "Well, AKs are really powerful!" The truth of the matter is that they have taken a ton of shortcuts to manufacture the AKs and due to that, they usually fail to start or are extremely rusty.


Their submarines are terribad. They don't even have surface ships bigger than a frigate. Our navy is ten million times better than theirs, we would blow their submarines into a thousand RUSTY pieces.


Finally, although many people will tell you that North Korea has nuclear weapons, they aren't that great. We've never seen proof that they have nuclear warheads like they claim. Only evidence of sub-kiloton explosions underground, which could be done by filling a cavern with conventional explosives. There hasn't been any sort of radiation to back up the nukes claim.


Even if they do have nuclear warheads AND they actually work, their delivery systems are poop. Most of their missiles blow up on the launch pad or blow up a few seconds after launch, and if they don't spontaneously combust they crash into the ocean. Sounds pretty bad for a country that threatens others with nuclear weapons, right?


Oh, and if North Korea ever decided to go to war with South Korea, the US would have their back yo.



also 0:29 on the ronery video shows a major fail in changing L to R...

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