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Dumbest thing you've done?

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Being in full kevlar armor with Airsoft G36KE opening fire across a small field on Police officers doing a joke. $750 fine. Also, damn i LOVED that airsoft. A holes never gave it back

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Leaving my computer case open so my integrated graphics block from a dinosaur computer would shoot towards the door and break. It literally went 10 feet out of my computer like a cannon.

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Over the course of highschool I think I drank 50+ bottles of cough syrup, and even more bottles of the gel caps.


oh so me and my friends arn't the only ones who've done that haha

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Who hasn't done that? Haha.


Mine would have to be when I threatened to kill this really annoying girl in middle school...


on her voicemail...


so she ended up taking it to the principal and i got suspended haha.

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Buying a Savage 111. What a POS, I should have spent $50 more for a Remington 700.

I should have also bought a Glock 19 or 17 instead of my Ruger P95, but then again it was like $300 cheaper. This one is kindof a wash

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Decided to try tripping on Dramamine, read the dosage wrong, and took more when I was high like an idiot.. long story short, my roomies brought me to the hospital where I drifted in and out of consciousness for a few days. I got a dissociative disorder from it.

I think I get the grand prize.

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