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Racism, stereotypes, and religion

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Sexism is a big one. Someone chased Kelly off the server last night because they were so rude and sexist towards her. Despite the fact that I kicked him.



Yeah, sexism is a big one, and if anyone is being sexist towards another its disrespect and should be dealt with like Tarin said^^

Any type of disrespect should be dealt with, touchy subjects should be left untouched, etc.

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Yeah, sexism is a big one, and if anyone is being sexist towards another its disrespect and should be dealt with like Tarin said^^

Any type of disrespect should be dealt with, touchy subjects should be left untouched, etc.


I dont tolerate sexism or disrespect at all when i'm on. idc if its a random or member i warn em once gag kick then if they get to stop ijust ban em for a day idc if thats abuse they had enouh chances to get the point of "you need to stop this behavior if you wish to play here" i make it very clear when i warn them and againwhen i gag them and again when i kick. BUT For racism i'm less strict not cause i laugh at it or anything but cause people are stupid and ignorant if they are being racist as hell i just gag em and leave em gaged for a round telling them its not acceptable here.

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i dont mind when some 1 makes a joke about me, just when it comes to making a joke about my religion or where im from, no that i will never like u again........

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mohammad smells like fish.


on a serious note, the way i deal with it is, if i see anything discriminatory happening i gag/mute them tell them they stop now or else, they do it again they get kicked and then it is a ban according to severity of the crime. like if it is just saying they think something or someone is stupid but the person is taking offense to it, i'll go with an hour or so ban, but if it gets hard core racism and trolling it is a day or longer if serbian allows me to.

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+1 I mean we all pick on each other, why not, its funny. however, there are matters that cross the line whether you MEAN to do it or NOT. i've seen certain people enforce this rule, but at the end of the day .. they're few and far between. just because i'm not an easily offended person, does not mean that everyone follows suit, and why should those that have strongly upheld beliefs, religion, morals, values, races, etc suffer for it. we all play together, we all get along (for the most part) but i feel that this could possibly alleviate several other problems in the xG servers.

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+1 i hate when people stereotype especially when they stereotype kids, there are people who think all kids are immature and judge them on their voice.

Also tarin is hot and penguin is bad <3

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I agree if there is going to be a rule it should be enforced with in moderation no matter the race, religion,politics, or sexual preference.


But you must remember this is the internet, what some people find offensive, others don't and if we have a 0% tolerance for every little thing xG would be rather nazi like and slaying everyone, on top of a million complaints to deal with that someone was offended every 5 seconds, including ppl like me who are jews and scared of nazi's taking over again...

However all jokes aside. I think there should be some joking allowed as long as someone isnt full out blasting someone for a particular reason and doing it intentionally. trust me i get tired of hearing how im some sister f*cking inbred redneck. i find that offensive as calling someone a Ni*g*r. usually i just roll with it and agree with a chuckle at the slanderous statement and go on with life. whats the old saying " All things in moderation".

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There's so many racism on some servers it's annoying... And some kid kept talking shit about Jewish people while I was on cause someone was Jewish on the server. He kept going on and on and on and then came at me calling me a new whore and shit... I just mute, kick, ban for 5 mins and he came back and did it do I day banned. I agree this shit needs to stop I'm tired of people making fun of gays, races, religion. One of my friends, he is very good friends with tarin and is made fun of for being gay when he's not.

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The ideals of Racism, Stereotype, and Religion is a universal and broad aspect, it harshly depends on one individual's views of such things. Of course, there's always going to be discrimination on the topic, but is best overlook since it's the whole topic is generally personal reflectance and opinions: meaning there's no "answer" or "fact." Merely based on views of petty humans, which characteristics are mostly dependent of looks, instead of depth.

So what have we learned today?

Don't question shit that most people are tend to argue about. Agreeable, it's offensive, but it's widely accepted as the humor category since most Americans take racist jokes both offensive and laughable.

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EVERYONE is Prejudice, Racist, Sexist, and a Stereotype. There is no possible way you're gonna tell me you're not, I bet everyone one of you guy's/girl's here has said something offensive to another, however the fact may have been that they said something first, you didnt mean it, or you were joking around. All that matters is how OFTEN you say something offensive, what EXACTLY you said, and WHERE/WHEN you say it. +1 I agree with the thread, the server rules need to be specified and dealt with more seriously so it doesnt look like we can say w/e and get out with it.

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