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Eyy, it'sa Mario!

You're talking about maturity? Well, that's ironic. You seem to think anybody that disagrees with you on any given subject is a smartass? I think you need a crash course on that adjective, bud. I gladly accept your , because you made the mistake of speaking your mind, which I'm afraid, does not have much inside of it. I may be your version of a "smartass," but you, my little friend, are a dumbass.

I may be disrespectful, but there's no way in hell I'm going to take shit from some random-ass person that has not earned respect. You think the title of "mod" on some vaguely-known web domain is going to instantaneously be deemed high in my books? You're dead wrong.


Standing up for yourself used to mean something.


@Duke - Running to your numerous little pals on the forums and tattling on me was a real honorable move. Why don't you fight your own battles, pussy?

You've made a fool enough of yourself, just shut your face. Let the grown-up(s) speak.

Oh, no, you're 100% correct, Duke. You DON'T give a shit. The irony of this whole thing just grows greater by the moment. You demand respect, but all others can fuck off, right? That sounds like your philosophy. Go clean out your sandy vagina and keep your mouth shut. You pull shit like this in the real world, you wouldn't last a minute.

Please, judge me from personal experience. Don't be a gossip whore.

Yeah, okay, I'll take advice from a 13-year-old and an egotistical douchebag. Whole buncha wisdom there, eh?

Aww, so mad. Well, brah, if you take a look at the people giving me 's, 90% of 'em are either 13-year-olds, or morons. Or both. So how the hell did they get in? You'd rather have retard preteens be spokespeople for this clan, just so long as their nice? Interesting.


You gotta get out more often and realize people aren't all bubbly and nice. Get over it.

I'm thoroughly concerned for you, little guy. Why are you on the internetz so late? I think it's nappy time.


Here's an edit for your edit, Dino: There's a difference between somebody trolling and you generally just being mad at somebody 'cause you suck at arguing.

Don't be a stubborn little boy. I'm not going to tiptoe around you just 'cause you think you're something special.

As you can tell by reading the thread and the quotes he is VERY disrespectful towards members who -1 him.

EDIT: Just wanted to post this for the people who think its okay to be disrespectful and insult people.

General Server MOTD/Community Rules.

5:No trolling whatsoever. Verbally attacking a person will get you banned.

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I personally think he's an alright player, but the evidence is just stacked against him. +1


Even disrespected me when I tried to help him calm down.

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I think it's clear that he feels he can be some self-righteous prick & get away with it. Saddens me.

+1 on any fair punishment.

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Let me quote him on some things.


You gotta get out more often and realize people aren't all bubbly and nice.


This is 100 percent true. You guys really disappoint me, if someone was talking to you like that in real life, you wouldn't be able to post a ban request on them, oh no. You'd get told off because you're probably the idiot that started the argument. I'm really sick of people who get butthurt after every little insult. It's the internet, expect it to happen.


Standing up for yourself used to mean something.


And again, 100 percent true. There's a difference between trolling and a person who doesn't take shit from anyone, whether that be higher-ups or just other members.


Quoting Dino:

Disrespectful towards moderators CT Ban


No, not at ALL. Mohammad said that he unbanned him when he truly did NOT. Wouldn't you be pissed if someone lied to you like that? And if anything, Mohammad was the one that was being disrespectful, look at the way he replied to Mario.


something small? i dont give a fuck which jb server u go to gunplanting is a well known rule that is forbidden on any jb server..... unfortunatley ur trying to take our rules lightly.... and stop trying to act inoocent i am not the bad guy here...

besides my job is done here... ill let the higherups take care of ur case now......

besides i promised u that ill unban u no need to bring this to the forums...


Quoting Duke:

We don't need smartass people who lack maturity.


Whoop-dee-doo, look at the way you addressed your -1. I would have replied to you the SAME exact way if you -1'd me that way. I honestly couldn't give a shit if you just said something along the lines of "-1 for now, from what I've seen, he lacks maturity and discipline." But no, you had to reply in a hostile way.


Quoting A_Sock:

Jesus Christ i hope you don't get accepted. My god all you do is flame any 1 who 's you now.. you were fine with it at the beginning learn to take criticism


I laughed at this. He isn't flaming anyone, really. Duke is the one who played with fire, he -1'd Mario in a hostile manner and therefore, Mario replied the same way. That's how the entire thread ended up 10 pages of people arguing, because one person couldn't minus one Mario in a respectful manner.


Quoting Mohammad:

And u shudnt be accepted.

you disrespect (as stated from other members)

and u contionusly annoy others by bumping ur thread for s

In my opinion, You shouldnt be accepted.

You will only make our clan look bad.


Again, starting yet ANOTHER argument with Mario. In his entire thread, he only "disrespected" people who were posting trash.


Quoting Aegean:

You should apply in a few weeks minimum if you think you wanna join our clan, and I do highly suggest you "bite" your tongue when possible as even though I know this is the internet and all, people still take things personally very fast.


This is also true. You guys take things WAY too personally.


I'm hoping my post will change some of your opinions, but if not, oh well. I tried, and that's all that matters for me.

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He's just defending himself when he is provoked by you guys, please read the post above me.

I -1 this because he never started any of this "disrespect" that you are using as proof.

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Ok First of all trif his ban was not a wrongful ban.

if some1 gunplanted 3 times to a different T, im sure he would have been banned for a day

i just wanted to be a bit kind to him because he seemed new and wanted to join the clan

now if i didnt unban him after i promised yes thats my fault, however he deserved the ban.

and you can go ahead asking members how he does on ct, he freekills a ton of times, camps vent/armoury and breaks vents, he clearly didnt read motd after i told him to read it so i can unban him

anyway if thats how you see it i cant change your opinion nor do i want to.

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Regardless of any point, defense or debate - he can not act like that.


Period. If it offends our community, our community has the right to voice that. Clearly it's hurt some of our members.

Regardless if you may/may not feel how we "take it" - personal in your opinion or not. Is irrelevant.


I tease, I joke, I kid.

But I do not attempt to intentionally be some douche & rip apart others to feel smart/badass when it's uncalled for and gone overboard.

Sure, you crack a whip at me - I may get a bit edgy - but that's entirely different. What I see happening is him taking his witty nature, and being completely arrogant. Which is garbage, and needs a spanking.

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