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RichWhitePeople / other aliases

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Decision: +1

Why: He's on jb a lot for the CT side and calling warden. I think that theres things that might need to improve for him , but he follows the motd fine.

Maturity: 8/10.

Activity: Very active in JB server , and I just saw him today in XG TF2 servers.

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+1 He is a good warden on CT, I play with him everyday he seems to know the rules, and if he free kills someone he slays his self before moderator asks him to. His maturity is 9/10.

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Decision: +1

Why: Played with him many times, he know the rules as CT, and he is a good warden.

Maturity: 7/10

Activity: Very active on Jailbreak

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Why:well I have to admit he isn't the person I would frist accept but I got to know him and he isn't a jerk but a really nice guy he also is one good ct and doest freekill constanly.


Activity:Jailbreak alot

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Decision: He reminds me of myself always CT and calls warden =p Active player and a nice guy have played with him for ahwile now. +1

Why: He's on jb a lot for the CT side and calls Warden <--- Like me.

Maturity: 9/10.

Activity: Active on JB server. Very

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Why: He's on JailBreak a lot for the CT side and sometimes calls warden. I think that there are things that might need to improve for him, but he follows the rules just fine.

Maturity: 8/10.

Activity: Very active in JB server.

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