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Trolling and You

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After reading up on the whole JB aboose thread, I want to make a discussion with the members and hear your opinions.


What is trolling according to you?



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Anything that is deemed offense, but to a certain extent.


If somebody calls you a moron, they probably mean it.


If somebody says you were the result of a failed abortion, then it's trolling.

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Me calling Trif a dumbass say for failing on a scrim - not trolling.


Me calling Trif a dumbass+adopted+gay+queer+shit+hebl0+black+shortpenis+yaubl0dude NONSTOP - trolling.


It's when you want to spark a fight or instigate a situation that nobody desires - that is trolling. Being called an idiot for doing something stupid isn't trolling, it's just banter. The whole idea of "He said I suck, ban him for trolling" is just ridiculous. You don't go to the cops and say "This guy is making assumptions about my sexual orientation, please arrest him".


Time to put the big boy underpants on and grow up xG. (Some of you, anyways)

PS. I love you my negro Trif.

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if som1 ses somfing thats mean 2 me they r trooling

It's someone who messes with a person, who in most cases are flamboyant individuals, to get a reaction out of them

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Basiclly agreeing with the majority, but anything said in a literal way, or repeated for the sake of reaction.


E.x: SuBB's a fag.

Not trolling.


E.x: SuBB's a fag, and nobody likes him.

What's the matter, queer? Nothing to say?

Look at this pussy. Won't stand up for himself.

Look at him and laugh.



<3 SuBB

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What Unit12p said.


An extremely offensive insult doesn't count as trollling. That person just really hates you. Someone who KEEPS getting on your nerves and is trying to piss you off to get a reaction that reflects your irritation. That is trolling.

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