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Craziest party you've ever been to?

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In honor of the movie "Project X", I think we should all talk about the craziest (maybe greatest) parties we've ever ever been to.


Just like in Project X, it was a house party that I threw with a couple friends from my highschool.


My best friend's parents were going away for the weekend, and his place was perfect with a huge backyard and plenty of stocked up alcohol.


We knew that word of mouth would spread like wildfire, and we were on the football team so we figured we would start off there.


We had been setting up the party around 9 p.m. but mostly just our close friends showed up around 9:30-10 while we chilled and drank brews. More people kept on drifting in, 2-3 at a time, until we had ~50 people which was a decent sized party for high school freshman.


Then the football team came; not just our friends, but the ENTIRE varsity football team came. Then the Basketball team. Then the Field Hockey team and the Girls Soccer team. Shit was just going crazy while we lined up shots, shotgunned beers, and smoked joints.


The thing about my friends house is that it sits on the very corner of the neighborhood, right on the edge of the start of the college dorms.


Everyone was in the backyard dancing, drinking, yelling and hollering around a huge campfire we started.


Fights were breaking out and my most vividly reminiscent memory was this group of nerdy kids who tried sneaking into our party getting beaten up in a circle of football players, while me and my buddies were chilling on his porch overlooking the backyard, passing around a fat blunt and laughing our asses off.


The coolest thing was that people from the entire neighborhood were joining us; college students were coming along to see what the commotion was and they were treated to a genuine block party. 20 year old's coming to chill with the high school students; we felt cooler than hell after that. More shotgunning and fraternity/sorority chants and our entire backyard swarming with people I'd never met in my life who came around just to enjoy our company.


The night never seemed to let up, not that night or in my mind. I still remember it clearly as if I was there right now, young and filled with so much infinite potential and hope as I begun high school.

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I almost fucked a good friend of mines sister (her dad called midway.)

I asked somebody to punch me in the face to "sober me up"

I woke up to a pile of chairs blocking the bedroom i was sleeping in.

I passed out on a group of girls.

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So I was at this party and we got there at like 11 and we were straight vibing and I was getting drunk with my friends that I wet there with and I took a picture with some kid and he walked away and jumps up to high 5 some kid (this kid was drunk as fuck) and he falls back down and dislocated his knee. I was drunk as fuck and freaking out and I'm in an anatomy class so I make myself think that I'm skilled enough to pop it back into place and I ended up doing it and the kid just starts walkin like nothing happened yoo lol .I POPPED HIS KNEE BACK IN. Then I start chilling again and one of the kids that I went with started yelling at some kid (I was sobering up) and they start shoving each other and then they fight and I tackled the kid and told my friend to run to the car and they all do and I run to my friends car so I don't get jumped and then we speed off and we get close to my friends house and the kid took a wide ass turn and crashed the car into a curb and the frame of the car was like jabbing into the tire. We had to push the car to my friends house. We stayed up till like 7 in the morning tryin to come up with a story to tell all our parents . I ended up getting like an hour of sleep


Crazy ass fucking night

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I asked somebody to punch me in the face to "sober me up"


I don't know why people do this; I've seen it happen numerous times but I really don't think it works as well as people think it does.


some kid ... jumps up to high 5 some kid (this kid was drunk as fuck) and he falls back down and dislocated his knee.


You don't get much more fail than that, but I do admit that sounds like it was pretty crazy

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I once invited all my dol-- Action Figures to a tea par----- Dudes night where we gossip---- talked shit on other fag figures and brought purses with make u----- guns and explosives.

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Posting in thread I have no business being in.

Never been to a party. Closest thing I've had to a party was me and about 6 other bros sitting around and spliting an ounce. Nothing happened though, we just chilled and smoked.

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Best party (crazyness)

-My friend threw a party when her mom went out of town for a lil bit. At the start of the night it was about 20-30 people just drinkin and tokin but around 9-10pm people started to flood the house.. by the end of the night my buddies engraved SWED and 420baby! in an old wooden table, someoneone brought donuts which we ended up doing a donut hunt like at easter in the mornin (i found one on a chandelier -.- ), lemons in the toaster/oven, i can account for knowing about 3 26oz's and a 24 dissapearing from people during the night and credited for defusing a fight that couldve led to about a 20person brawl xD

by the end of the night, i had cleared a 26oz of lemon bacardi and i would say about 5g's of ganj to myself :$ .....BUT on the way home, me n my buddy met these 3 random girls who were in the streets at 3am havin a lil fun. We talked to them for a bit and decided to spend some time with them. We all went on a random persons trampoline and sprayed a bunch of mustard on it + on a bunch of cars too and finished the night by ending up goin pool hopping with them in our birthday suits. ;)


Best "party"

-me and about 10 other people went to my buds cottage for 3 days... all we did was drink, smoke, fk and eat. I did a few financing before i left and figured about 150-200$ shouldve been good. By the end of the last day, i had spent over 400$ on alcohol, cigarettes, food, bud and unfortunately i didnt count in the 100$+ i spent on fireworks but damn that was a great time! Boating, campfires, fishing, all while under the influence of something and finishin off with some "polishing" at night if u catch my drift ;)

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