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New Website Updates!

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Alright, this is a moderately big update that will make activities more efficient in Xeno Gamers!


First off, the calender has finally been setup! There is one for main events, birthdays, and for groups! You can RSVP to events to tell us you are going to them, rather then posting in a thread telling us to add you to a list. It's completely automatic!


Secondly, groups are going to be chopped down severely. We have a huge update for the groups and relation to the sub-clans so we will have to make becoming a sub-clan much stricter in order to get this system working. This will allow us to start our progress of turning the sub-clan plugin into an entire war system with sub-clans going to war with each other, calling hits, making money, and conquering servers! So current sub-clans may become unofficial in the weeks to come.



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It will come back if we actually make the monthly donation requirement :/

Good one there! "Making the donation requrement ", Good one !

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