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To Serbian Concerning my Terminated App

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Dear serbiansnaga,


Yesterday, I was asked by you weather or not I wished to join their TS (moderated to hide info) to speak with them. I said no, for reasons which should of been obvious at the time. To my avail, Kneesocks (Nova), and Topaz joined our teamspeak channel, I didn't notice them at the time, and even if I did I didn't plan on entering there room to debate my "scandal" if you will.

But you moved me into their room, so we could "chat" with them.


Now I know you have connections, and are friends with the members of Deviant. I will say that you seemed bias in your opinion when choosing to close my thread, as you had stated that I had taken a passive aggressive tone towards them, but what do you expect me to do? Simply allow them to throw insults at me, peck at my flaws, and argue with me? I didn't want to be there, as I knew what would happen with .syN if he were to join.


You also stated that I was "causing shit with Deviant" and that I was speaking about how I never "left xG" one of which I did do.


To start with, I never caused shit with deviant, I took a leave of absence due to stress in my life, and I had received a message from Charrax (over steam) to come and play Mine-craft with them, just less than five days ago. This is why, and how I decided to become more active on XenoGamers servers at the time, because it is hard to find people that actually cared about me, Charrax, Turdwig, GanjaMoster, and OrangeJuice I became friends with very quickly. These were the friends (Charrax Primarily) whom pushed me to obtain a new account on www.xenogamers.com and start over again. Not once during not only this time, but my time with Deviant did I release information about Deviant's servers, "back stab them", or ruin any of their content. I simply put forward Creative and Kosmetic Ideas to improve their servers. I Have a list which at the time wasn't completed if you wish to look at it.



To continue, on the topic of Charrax and I debating over the fact that I am still in xG or not, I do not, and will not debate over the issue anymore. It has been made obvious by Aegean and your self that I am/was no longer a member of XenoGamers.




Now. When I spoke in chat about how "there is a lot of shit going on in my life right now" I am going to tell you just what it was, so you can partly understand where and why I was coming from when acting passively aggressively.



May, 22nd, 2012

I was laid off from my one and only job at McDonalds, this meant that I could not move out of my parents house again any time soon. This also meant that I would have less pocket money left, and I wouldn't have money for things which I felt were amenities, but were not to my parents (i.e. Computer Games, Television, Internet ect...)


May, 25th, 2012

I received a major History test back, with results that would and will fail me if I do not preform exceedingly well on my exams later this term.


May, 26th, 2012

I received a phone call from the HRMP (Halifax Regional Municipality Police) around 12:30 in the morning, concerning my father, and the fact that he had a heart attack while walking in public, He had to be flown out to Winnipeg by Medi-vac, and I just found out this morning that I cannot fly out to see him, because I "can't miss the school time" this is the primary reason for my passive aggressiveness. As I was on team-speak, attempting to "settle down" and take my mind off of the real world just for a moment.


So there you go, the ball is in your court. You can shoot it and end it all, or pass it off, and keep the game going. It's your decision.


Please do not respond with a T(o) L(ong) D(idn't) R(ead)



-Thank You

Slipery Fingers <3


P.S: This is a private message, and I intend for it to stay that way, unless I give consent other wise. (I posted this)

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Knowing this is a private message posted in the general section, and i am rabid, i will come in here take a shit on your front door step and kindly say to you, Cry about it. ;-)

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Knowing this is a private message posted in the general section' date=' and i am rabid, i will come in here take a shit on your front door step and kindly say to you, Cry about it. ;-)[/quote']


I loled.

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I have a question.


Why did you make a brand new account for xG? And why were you no longer listed as friends with anyone in Deviant? Synx, Syn, Jokes, Topaz, and myself were ALL removed by your old account, the one that went under Dev. This happened around the time you had created an application under this forum account you are using for this thread.


If you wanted to go back to xG, we would have never stopped you. But saying you aren't a backstabber but going through all of this effort to go in under a new alias is kinda suspicious. I do not remember at all saying you were leaving. Infact, I saw you playing only about two or three days ago on the account you were in Dev with, and you were still wearing the tags.

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Dear serbiansnaga,


Yesterday, I was asked by you weather or not I wished to join the blgaming.us.to to speak with them. I said no, for reasons which should of been obvious at the time. To my avail, Kneesocks (Nova), and Topaz joined our teamspeak channel, I didn't notice them at the time, and even if I did I didn't plan on entering there room to debate my "scandal" if you will.

But you moved me into their room, so we could "chat" with them.


Now I know you have connections, and are friends with the members of Deviant. I will say that you seemed bias in your opinion when choosing to close my thread, as you had stated that I had taken a passive aggressive tone towards them, but what do you expect me to do? Simply allow them to throw insults at me, peck at my flaws, and argue with me? I didn't want to be there, as I knew what would happen with .syN if he were to join.


You also stated that I was "causing shit with Deviant" and that I was speaking about how I never "left xG" one of which I did do.


To start with, I never caused shit with deviant, I took a leave of absence due to stress in my life, and I had received a message from Charrax (over steam) to come and play Mine-craft with them, just less than five days ago. This is why, and how I decided to become more active on XenoGamers servers at the time, because it is hard to find people that actually cared about me, Charrax, Turdwig, GanjaMoster, and OrangeJuice I became friends with very quickly. These were the friends (Charrax Primarily) whom pushed me to obtain a new account on www.xenogamers.com and start over again. Not once during not only this time, but my time with Deviant did I release information about Deviant's servers, "back stab them", or ruin any of their content. I simply put forward Creative and Kosmetic Ideas to improve their servers. I Have a list which at the time wasn't completed if you wish to look at it.



To continue, on the topic of Charrax and I debating over the fact that I am still in xG or not, I do not, and will not debate over the issue anymore. It has been made obvious by Aegean and your self that I am/was no longer a member of XenoGamers.




Now. When I spoke in chat about how "there is a lot of shit going on in my life right now" I am going to tell you just what it was, so you can partly understand where and why I was coming from when acting passively aggressively.



May, 22nd, 2012

I was laid off from my one and only job at McDonalds, this meant that I could not move out of my parents house again any time soon. This also meant that I would have less pocket money left, and I wouldn't have money for things which I felt were amenities, but were not to my parents (i.e. Computer Games, Television, Internet ect...)


May, 25th, 2012

I received a major History test back, with results that would and will fail me if I do not preform exceedingly well on my exams later this term.


May, 26th, 2012

I received a phone call from the HRMP (Halifax Regional Municipality Police) around 12:30 in the morning, concerning my father, and the fact that he had a heart attack while walking in public, He had to be flown out to Winnipeg by Medi-vac, and I just found out this morning that I cannot fly out to see him, because I "can't miss the school time" this is the primary reason for my passive aggressiveness. As I was on team-speak, attempting to "settle down" and take my mind off of the real world just for a moment.


So there you go, the ball is in your court. You can shoot it and end it all, or pass it off, and keep the game going. It's your decision.


Please do not respond with a T(o) L(ong) D(idn't) R(ead)



-Thank You

Slipery Fingers <3


P.S: This is a private message, and I intend for it to stay that way, unless I give consent other wise. (I posted this)


Mmkay, seems I have to also respond myself, even if this is directed towards Serbian.. I just have one simple question.. If something like that was happening to your father, why would you even be on Teamspeak, or on the computer at all? I would be offline, not giving a shit about the online community, and I would be worrying about that more than anything else. I think it's ridiculous that you'd be online even talking to people if something like that happened, and your passive aggressiveness wouldn't even be there, it would be more of a depression or a quieter side then how you acted yesterday. I know the feeling, because I had my father have a quadruple bipass, so, yeah.

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I have a question.


Why did you make a brand new account for xG? And why were you no longer listed as friends with anyone in Deviant? Synx, Syn, Jokes, Topaz, and myself were ALL removed by your old account, the one that went under Dev. This happened around the time you had created an application under this forum account you are using for this thread.


If you wanted to go back to xG, we would have never stopped you. But saying you aren't a backstabber but going through all of this effort to go in under a new alias is kinda suspicious. I do not remember at all saying you were leaving. Infact, I saw you playing only about two or three days ago on the account you were in Dev with, and you were still wearing the tags.


He wanted a fresh start. He says from his point of view he was never truely in Dev. (That is from his point of view.. meaning things like in the community and part of the team). Hard to make words for that... But if oyu understand than it makes sense.

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First up, tl;dr. Deal with it.


You are drama, period. Won't go into ANY detail. Deal with it.

You sign up under a new name, clearly one clan just wasn't good enough. We wished to leave xG ALONE, you knew the rules and you refused to abide.

Your slick games and this noble passive-aggressive crap doesn't phase me at all, nor will I play you at it.

Not to mention to posting our ideas all but digs your grave; oh-no, not because you posted it~ go ahead. We are not even going to go much further past the stronghold server & will be doing other games outside steam. We could give a shit for DarkRP. But because you lack "maturity" which we asked for prior. Thank you~ you had been on thin ice with me already~.


Oh, and I don't pity or feel sorry for you. :3


Oh, don't worry about replying either. ^w^ I won't be back here.

And... don't bother with teamspeak. I think we both know why~


Have a nice day, gentlemen.

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Dear serbiansnaga,


Yesterday, I was asked by you weather or not I wished to join the blgaming.us.to to speak with them. I said no, for reasons which should of been obvious at the time. To my avail, Kneesocks (Nova), and Topaz joined our teamspeak channel, I didn't notice them at the time, and even if I did I didn't plan on entering there room to debate my "scandal" if you will.

But you moved me into their room, so we could "chat" with them.


Now I know you have connections, and are friends with the members of Deviant. I will say that you seemed bias in your opinion when choosing to close my thread, as you had stated that I had taken a passive aggressive tone towards them, but what do you expect me to do? Simply allow them to throw insults at me, peck at my flaws, and argue with me? I didn't want to be there, as I knew what would happen with .syN if he were to join.


You also stated that I was "causing shit with Deviant" and that I was speaking about how I never "left xG" one of which I did do.


To start with, I never caused shit with deviant, I took a leave of absence due to stress in my life, and I had received a message from Charrax (over steam) to come and play Mine-craft with them, just less than five days ago. This is why, and how I decided to become more active on XenoGamers servers at the time, because it is hard to find people that actually cared about me, Charrax, Turdwig, GanjaMoster, and OrangeJuice I became friends with very quickly. These were the friends (Charrax Primarily) whom pushed me to obtain a new account on www.xenogamers.com and start over again. Not once during not only this time, but my time with Deviant did I release information about Deviant's servers, "back stab them", or ruin any of their content. I simply put forward Creative and Kosmetic Ideas to improve their servers. I Have a list which at the time wasn't completed if you wish to look at it.



To continue, on the topic of Charrax and I debating over the fact that I am still in xG or not, I do not, and will not debate over the issue anymore. It has been made obvious by Aegean and your self that I am/was no longer a member of XenoGamers.




Now. When I spoke in chat about how "there is a lot of shit going on in my life right now" I am going to tell you just what it was, so you can partly understand where and why I was coming from when acting passively aggressively.



May, 22nd, 2012

I was laid off from my one and only job at McDonalds, this meant that I could not move out of my parents house again any time soon. This also meant that I would have less pocket money left, and I wouldn't have money for things which I felt were amenities, but were not to my parents (i.e. Computer Games, Television, Internet ect...)


May, 25th, 2012

I received a major History test back, with results that would and will fail me if I do not preform exceedingly well on my exams later this term.


May, 26th, 2012

I received a phone call from the HRMP (Halifax Regional Municipality Police) around 12:30 in the morning, concerning my father, and the fact that he had a heart attack while walking in public, He had to be flown out to Winnipeg by Medi-vac, and I just found out this morning that I cannot fly out to see him, because I "can't miss the school time" this is the primary reason for my passive aggressiveness. As I was on team-speak, attempting to "settle down" and take my mind off of the real world just for a moment.


So there you go, the ball is in your court. You can shoot it and end it all, or pass it off, and keep the game going. It's your decision.


Please do not respond with a T(o) L(ong) D(idn't) R(ead)



-Thank You

Slipery Fingers <3


P.S: This is a private message, and I intend for it to stay that way, unless I give consent other wise. (I posted this)


Okay.. I know that this doesn't really concern me, but with all these things that have been happening to you (Being fired from McDonalds (How does one get fired from McDonalds?), the drop in your grades, and your father's accident), why are you sitting on the computer instead of working to remedy the situation? Shouldn't you be doing everything you can to improve your grades, look for a new job, and raise the money to see your father in the hospital? I guess all that I am trying to say is don't make the internet more important than getting your life back to normal.

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