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So, Zombie Apocalypse.

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First since i have my pilots licence ill run to the air national guard base and jack a C-130, fly it to my house, put a few hundred generators in it, then fly around the world, pick all you guys up we load up the C-130 with computers, have a massive Xenogamers logo slapped on the side of the plane and have non stop CSS and TF2parties all over the world, ill throw some guns in for protection. We will be the Xenogamers plane :p

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>Believing in zombies

You guys are fucked up in the head.


At least prepare for something that could happen instead of a film genre invented in the 60s...




They're deranged cannibals which is pretty much a "zombie". I don't believe in the fictious flesh eating ghouls to exist, I'm simply asking for perspectives on what is happening. I just thought tying them with zombies would spice the topic up.

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Recipe for cooking people

1.cover them in salt and pepper

2.preheat an oven to approximately 69 degrees F

3.Throw him in the oven for 5 hours

4.add some extra sauces or just eat him

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With the billions of people on earth this fucked up shit happens a lot more than you guys think lol. Its just that this year, news channels, and media in general just wanna blow everything out of proportion to tie it with 2012 or some crap like that.


Murders happen often guys, as do fucked up acts of cannablism. (well at least more often than you think)


So don't worry. Anyways, if some fucked up uncureable outbreak did happen, the area would be shortly quarentined and honestly, if they see they can't controll it, inevitebly nuked. At least within a certain radius. But thats just last case doomsday scenario. People are pretty stupid, but smarter than you think anyways :)

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With the billions of people on earth this fucked up shit happens a lot more than you guys think lol. Its just that this year, news channels, and media in general just wanna blow everything out of proportion to tie it with 2012 or some crap like that.


Murders happen often guys, as do fucked up acts of cannablism. (well at least more often than you think)


So don't worry. Anyways, if some fucked up uncureable outbreak did happen, the area would be shortly quarentined and honestly, if they see they can't controll it, inevitebly nuked. At least within a certain radius. But thats just last case doomsday scenario. People are pretty stupid, but smarter than you think anyways :)


What about a brony invasion? Does that scare you?

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Hey faggot,

This is a message brought to you by Mad Scientist, search up "DayZ Arma 2" on youtube or google, and watch the gameplay footage, you can also try gnawing on your foot if you like. I don't support it evidently, your foot does contain several and various types of bacteria unhealthy for the human body since you're usually stepping in fucking unknown juices all day.

Love Mad

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Newest story straight from New York! A man was eating his "missing" roomates heart and brain and keeping his severed head and arms in the deepfreeze for later. All these acts of cannabilism are very weird :/
Yes that is odd/scary/weird but the case about the guy eating the mans face off that cannibal there was a guy on bath salts and if you ingest bath salts you are insane forever there isn't any way to cure the insanity from ingesting bath salts

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Also if a zombie apocalypse did happen my weapons choices would be.

Assault rifle:AK-47/G36c/M4. (any of the three here are the ones i would use)

Sniper rifle:....can't tell if i want a bolt action or a semi auto sniper rifle.

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Also if a zombie apocalypse did happen my weapons choices would be.

Assault rifle:AK-47/G36c/M4. (any of the three here are the ones i would use)

Sniper rifle:....can't tell if i want a bolt action or a semi auto sniper r


But seriously dude, you can barely find the full-auto versions of these anyway. If you do, it's a waste of bullets and the recoil is a bitch AT BEST. There are no G36c's in the US, except by a few police agencies. AK-47s will hurt your shouldier if you dont hold it right. You should take classes and shit about this stuff, or just browse /k/ like the rest of the nogunz lol, no offense or anything X3

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