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Dota 2

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Dota 2 is still in beta phase, and i say this is the best beta i have ever played.

If you have gotten into the beta consider your self lucky.

Any games played will carry over to the newly announced free to play version

What is so good about this is, There is now a loot system within the game very similar to Tf2.

It's not exactly the same, knowing if you get a death or a kill you have a chance to receive loot.

How it works is simply just play a game and get a chance for loot,

YES THERE WILL BE HATS IN DOTA 2 aslong with armor\weapons\taunts\custom couriers. 1 of the best things i have heard about this game is the hats,

The loot system is also going to be very fun with steam trading :D

Hope to see nigga's playing dota 2 soon

If you have dota 2 and you don't have me added on steam add me :D


Steam name: Rabid_swan

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Dota 2 sucks I'd rather play league of legends sorry, Just it seems it doesn't even seem like a good RTS hell I think I would actually rather try HoN over Dota :/.

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I'm a league player who got into the Dota 2 beta randomly. I have to say I definitely prefer playing league and just seem to get bored quicker when playing the former.

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Ok i may not like rabid but you LoL kids need to fuck off seriously, there is little to no skill to be good at LoL....


I think you are just bad at Dota.



Also when did they announce the Loot system? been a week or 2 since i last played.

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Ok i may not like rabid but you LoL kids need to fuck off seriously, there is little to no skill to be good at LoL....


I think you are just bad at Dota.



Also when did they announce the Loot system? been a week or 2 since i last played.

Faith restored. Thank god, LoL is just little skill involved, so much more slow pace then every game similar to it,

If LoL Added denying, no passive spells, no rune books. and just made better lol, i'd play

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