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I dont know

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Hey everyone im thinking about leaving but i will try to rejoin.

So if you want me to leave please +1 this if you dont want me to leave and -1 this if you want me to leave and if i see 10 -1 I will leave xG and hopefully rejoin again and when/if i do try to rejoin you guys will give me a chance because i know you all think i break rules, freekill, tarp, and such and maybe i do and if i do im very sorry for my mistakes and I am working on getting better.Im trying to be more nice and not complain as much.So please either +1 or -1 this and if you want me out please give me another chance later on. :s

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I have played with you before a lot actually and yes you screw up sometimes (who doesn't?) but that's not the point the point is if you learn from your mistakes you will get better and maybe not make those same mistakes

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I honestly think this is going to get closed, like most threads do when they're like this.


This is not what I think, nor what I said, this is what's happened in the past: "Do not make these kind of threads, they are being used to get attention & are useless & a waste of time."


As arthman said, it's your decision whether you leave or stay. If you like xG, stay, if you feel it's not for you, leave. Simple as that :) We won't judge you anyway.

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+1 I don't think you should leave, you just joined, and I think your a really good friend. If this changes anything please stay.

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I don't know you, but I'm sorry, you are just being an attention whore, if you want to leave, leave, if you dont want to, then don't, if the community really hates you as you say they do, they will just make a member protest thing on you

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The fact I haven't heard a complaint about you means you aren't a negative impact in this community. Please do what you'd like, I believe you can just work on your problems in the community without leaving but it's totally up to you. Anyways no reason for a thread like this, you've seen what the community has said.


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