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Chrono MC

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As a mod/admin, you aren't necessarily required to collect evidence, since your word should be trusted.


However, @A_Sock , I do find it interesting, that you have all these screen shots of tunnels and such, but no screen shots of this conversation you are describing.


You have a lot of screen shots there, they're not hard to take. If you were trying to collect evidence, why nothing of this conversation?

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I just thought I would put this out there. There is a technique that involves digging tunnels like those. Most diamonds are in the 10-16 level range. I don't have the exact specs of the mapping of the mine, but I do know you find some diamonds and make straight tunnels like those and you should hit more diamonds. Not all people are x-raying, some are just good.

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Both the ban request and original ban protest got closed before any real interaction could occur.


x-ray minecraft

Since Arth closed the Req. before i could post


At any rate, my point on this stands. Rabid tried to provide all this proof, but has nothing of the conversation, which just smells odd to me. From everything I read in the other threads I'm siding with Chrono even though there's not much I can do since I wasn't there.


Again, mods/admins are in a position of trust, so the proofs maybe can lax and whatnot. My point is that since he DID go through so much work to get what he got, why no proof of this conversation? Chrono said outright that Rabid twisted his words around. Innocent until proven guilty.

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I do find it funny, how you were not even there and you are trying to defend him, The reason i have collected the screenshots is because minecrack asked for them over teamspeak. But you can contue talking about something you have no idea about.

The entire conversation was included over teamspeak voice, minecrack or pyscho can both confirm this.

Most of the conversation is from what i saw i was not speaking to him at the time, I was just telling what i saw, sorry for trying to do a thorough job Next time i will just do the shittiest job when someone breaks the rule sence that's what you are making it out to be, Your logic is comptley flawed threwout this entire post but next time i will just ban and say he x-rayed or for say a following broken rule. sorry for being thorough.

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I know I wasn't there. I said that.


All I saw in the other two threads was everyone getting into arguments until the thread was closed and therefore nothing cleary got discussed. I posted this thread for two reason which I already stated.


And frankly, all I did was ask a question, why no evidence of the convo. You could have just said it was in Teamspeak, but rather you had to lash out about it. I wasn't attacking you personally, it was just a question. Chill out bro.

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In no way am i upset, how can you tell someones emotion over text, please do not make accusation's, what i did is clearly stated everything you just talked about. Can you tell me where i lashed out at you? or where i have maybe insulted you? Cause all i stated is i find it funny, or sorry for being thorough.


Arthman is the division leader of mc, and also owns the server rights, he has final say over what happens and who gets banned, he found the following proof valid enough for the ban to stick and increased into a perm.

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You're right, it is very difficult to judge emotion through text. However, you wrote 2 paragraphs with extremely sarcastic remarks to answer a simple question.

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The proof was required since Rabid knows if he didn't take pics with proof, proving an xRay would be very hard. Anyways Arthman feels you did xray but the 2 dual monitor shit I have heard about. I'll think about it and discuss with Ruki and Arth, but the ban stays for the disrespect for now, please no more threads about this manner and don't close a thread in the beginning of one either arthman lol.


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