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osama ben person

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ive self taught myself and have been taught by some of my teachers and professors to always question everything, no matter how sure it seems, even something simple as 2+2=4, for all we know it could be potato (obv not but u get my point), and u have to look at it from the govts perspective, not that im siding with them, nor am i against them, but they say that the us invaded iraq for the oil. considering that the us is the largest consumer of oil per person (i think china is approaching them due to the billion or so ppl needing gas), it would make sense that they would need a lot of oil to sustain themselves as a world power not to be ignored. they are also running low on oil themselves, with the texan oilfields peaking in production, its only a matter of time before the entire industry starts to snowball straight down. and if the us didnt invade iraq, then they would have had an oil crisis a lot earlier and most likely with more severity than today, and also the public would most likely start rioting cause they're not allowed to buy gas to drive their 13 gallons to the mile trucks (exaggeration), so the govt would reluctantly have to find a way to get a lot of oil to the public to sustain their way of life, until eventually finding a way to shift the main source of fuel (fuel in general, not just petrol, gas etc) to a more sustainable and, hopefully, more environmentally friendly way. at this point, the us would have long pulled out of iraq and changed their way of life to be more friendly to the environment and not use a lot of the planets resources. this is just my way of looking at the whole geopolitical situation in the middle east and its relation to the us

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