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Rule change?

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The weird characters rules.


Personally, if they want random characters, let them have it.


Is it really too much work to type !admin and go from there?

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They can easily add another name in parenthesis after their retarded symbol name.


For example: PãpįÇhūłø (PapiChulo)


I like the rule. It makes moderating more efficient.

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I like this rule a ton. To be honest I ask people to change their names to typeable characters on a daily basis. But if they have weird characters i usuallly just ask for 2-4 typeable characters in a row in their name.


Mainly bc 1. Makes our jobs easier.

2. >mass freekiller > !slay "blahblah" > 4 t's killed> profit


instead of the entire stack of 20.

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how 'bout you frigging bind a Slay @aim and then you use the admin menu. I mean, my current name's in russian and i dont intend to change it. just bind one of your mouse button to slay @aim. Simple. Open console and type bind mouse3 "say /slay @aim"

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I do have a slay @aim button but either way. Whats the deal with making the admins job a tiny bit easier. Even slay at aim isn't always the most convenient and theres always the risk of hitting an innocent. I'm much rather type it out in litterly one second.


It's not super duper neccesary but it helps. So why not?

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1. Open console

2. Type status

3. Look for players name (PãpįÇhūłø)

4. Look at the number to the left of it (#123 ) (This changes every time the connect)

5. Use !kick #123 "You smell"

6. ???

7. Profit

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Admin menu can be slow (so can my console thing, I know), but...


1. Bind sm_slay @aim

2. Now that he's dead and no longer wreaking havoc, use admin menu to do shit

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Wait can someone explain what exactly the aim thing does? Like how do you use it on a player?


Ummm. Aim means to point at something specifically.


So !slay @aim might slay the person you're aiming at with your crosshair. Just a thought.

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To slay @aim you have to have a clear aim at him and it needs to register his name for at least 2 seconds. The only way this will really work is if you are already dead.


And on top of that what if you want to gag someone spamming racial slurs? You can't gag @aim when they are dead so it'll take a lot of time, and many racial slurs, to go through the admin menu and find their name to gag them and all that.


The rule we have now is to help us efficiently moderate.


Trust me I've been in those situations a lot.

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