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Btw i suck at RTS. I tried for a while to get good at WCIII and sucked, then tried again with SCII and sucked ass as well :/

But with you guys tutoring me...

Nevermind i'm fucked


Its a MOBA. You control your character like an RTS but they are nowhere near the same in my opinion.

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Please ban RpgS for retardation. I am sick and tired of people calling it a moba. MOBA is not real. it is the idiots "slang" name for the game mod.


It is an AoS or Aeon of Strife game.

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It's been around since 2009... just saying. It's been public since 2010 but open beta in 2009.





Added both of y'all, stuck in elo hell currently, 950 elo ;'(

k/d/a of 6/4.2/8


Top: Riven/Pantheon-Vlad/Olaf/Cho'Gath/Garen/Jarvan/Darius

Jungle: Olaf/Warwick/Udyr

Mid: Fizz/Brand/Malz

Support: Taric/Soraka/Alistar/Malphite

Ad carry: Draven/Graves


Prefer: Top > Mid > Jungle > AD Carry > Support

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