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Goat impersonating and Disrespecting.

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Just a normal midnight in JB, were all just having fun, then people start everyone changing their name to spearmint and we ask them all to change so they complain but do it, and Goat changes his name to [xG] Peppermint and starts being a stupid fuck saying shit in game, we kick him and tell him change his name, so the next thing he joins as is [xG] NeSs-, we kick him again, I go down in his TS channel and tell him he needs to stop or i will ban him, he says "Jihad is a racist faggot and needs to die in a fire and burn in hell" at which point i just said well fine fuck youtoo and left the channel back to where i am. and here I am posting this request.


Admins that were there at the time other than myself who witnessed this entire thing:






Member on who saw it: @@kona309


The steam community page of him changing his name, impersonating:



Screenshot of him in chatbox saying shit 5 minutes ago, before it gets moved down:



Also gonna throw it in there that previously he had also been coming to us saying things like "does anyone know JIHADS IP? i want to find that faggot and slit his fucking throat."


Gonna just keep updating this OP with more proof i get.



Let's See.






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Also gonna throw it in there that previously he had also been coming to us saying things like "does anyone know JIHADS IP? i want to find that faggot and slit his fucking throat."


No proof of that, but everything else....well.

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was going to message someone about this but dont have to now <3 +1 for great justice.


i get on in the middle of the night with nothing to do but wait out my ban and browse the forums when bam. i see disrespect coming from someone whos been here for less than a week and not just any disrespect but disrespect towards a div leader. fucking sad man.


also awhile back went into the tinychat thing and catbutts and goatface were in there. i change my name to something stupid and start making fun of catbutts, obviously trolling. catbutts is getting a kick out of it not even knowing its me, while goatface is flipping a dick on me and saying im immature and blah blah blah. point is, that was my first impression on him, which wasnt good. than i see this. perma pan this muddafukka



EDIT: ok. perma pan may be overkill, but i do think a temp ban and xg removal is within reason. the dude fucked up, should pay the consequences. think of the higher ups as like a really good friend for example, you wouldnt say shit like what you said to them. you can joke around with them and talk and make fun of eachother, but you dont make death threats and severely disrespect like that. definate +1 for xg removal and temp ban.

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Sorry if you took me seriously, jihad thing was a joke for jihad 2012 , impersonating was in teamspeak they said when i come on to change it, and chrono i wish i took a screen shot of your name change last week , impersonating a shit ton, Minecrack you are one to speak about imaturity , when you were asked to play minecraft with us and you came on, the racist slurs thrown , all the discrimnating terms said and whatnot.


EDIT: Chrono i also notice that you changed my wording also how creative of you.

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Sorry if you took me seriously, jihad thing was a joke for jihad 2012 , impersonating was in teamspeak they said when i come on to change it, and chrono i wish i took a screen shot of your name change last week , impersonating a shit ton, Minecrack you are one to speak about imaturity , when you were asked to play minecraft with us and you came on, the racist slurs thrown , all the discrimnating terms said and whatnot.



Holy fuck. If i had a penny for every fucking time i heard the "I was joking" excuse I would be fucking rich. but I'm not rich, because I don't get the money. and no you weren't fucking joking, you were speaking very seriously. and this "impersonating" you are referring to is YOU thinking I was impersonating Brian the TF2 div leader by changing my TS name to 'Brian D' the character from VGHS which I have been doing for several days now with Sporky 'Da Law' in TS and Floodles when he gets on on occasion. so yeah, throw your Bullshit Excuses out there more please.

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