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DuckiiJr. <(^.^<)

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I feel bad for -1'ing this protest but non the less hacking is hacking and it isn't acceptable, I liked you being in the clan but you just shouldn't hack. It lowers what people think of you and gets you VAC banned; even if you do have an alt account, like I already said 'Hacking is hacking'.

Even if you do get back in I still think its really stupid to even hack in the first place.


I thought ban protests were supposed to be for people WRONGFULLY banned. You aren't protesting your ban. You are asking for it to be lifted because apparently you are better than the rules. Theres a way to get unbanned without this stupid ass nonsense but of course you are clearly too fucking good for that. Like I said lets just throw the rules out. Clearly they are useless and don't deserve to even be read. Why do we even tell people to read the MOTD anymore? Whats the point? Everyone in the clan is too good for the rules. Why have them? It'd destroy alot of confusion as to why we have all the stupidest fucking ban protests that aren't even protesting anything.


And like I've said there is a more than simple solution to this stupid ass shit. Pay the 20 bucks and do the sign picture. Go work for one fucking day which with minimum wage is 3 hours to get enough to pay for your unbanning. If you really care enough to get back in then I think you can do that much. To be honest I have more respect for the other hackers that didn't make a ban protest. Atleast they knew that they didn't deserve the time of day because they broke the rules.


, xG has rules for a reason. He knew what would be the consequence of his actions, especially as a mod/admin and older member of this community. Honestly, whats the point of having rules if xG doesn't enforce them and lets people off the hook? If it were an xG member who just joined, I'm positive no one would even care if they got banned.


He knew full well what he was doing and knew it was wrong when he did it, he hacked on an xG server, and the fact hes an older member of the clan makes it even worse. He's not a bad person he just did something incredibly stupid. Like RPGs said some1 just help him pay the $20 and he can take the picture.


The main reason I 'd is well, this. We have rules for a reason don't we? Regardless if we gave others more chances in the past, WE NEED TO START SOMEWHERE. Why not here?

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>implying that duckiijr is like every other hacker on the internet

>implying that duckiijr is automatically a bad person for hacking

>implying that duckiijr doesnt regret his actions


+1 i literally heard slipery say that silence gave him permission to reapply even though silence doesnt handle the social aspect of the clan, he merely manages the servers, aegean and myself handle the clan issues itself and the slipery issue wasnt discussed with us, the fact that slipery was unbanned for wallhacking without even a ban protest gives me the precedence to accept duckiijr's ban protest without the community's consent, just like slipery


Basically this.

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i havent played on the servers for a long time but duckii was one of the people on them who actually respected everyone i saw, he obviously made a mistake by hacking, a second chance couldn't hurt too bad? it's not like there's no punishment for him, didnt he lose mod? and he'd pretty much be on his last straws after this.

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+1. You must love teh duckz.

The only reason duckii hacked was because of yolo. ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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My answer is -1


Basically, you had this coming. Why even bother making a ban protest when you know you possibly won't get unbanned. Apparently you think the whole situation is funny because even with the hacks, you still sucked, as you said yourself. You probably expected sympathy from your friends in the community. Good fucking riddance with you.

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EDIT: I'd also like to add that every person that ed this thread is a literal dumbfuck. Don't really care how much of an asshole I look like. You might as well just to letting people hack. Don't even pretend that's not what this says. It's fucking black and white that he knew the rules and PURPOSELY chose to disobey them. Don't fucking make this some shit that it isn't.


are you stupid? what makes u think u can insult the ppl who are defending duckiijr? i can easily say the same thing about everyone who -1'd his thread, and the fact that im co leader gives it more weight to the matter, but i dont cause everyone has their own views about this, and that doesnt mean u can force your opinion on everyone else and start insulting them. theres also nothing about ban protests being only for those who were wrongfully banned, we've had ppl who were banned for mass freekilling like months, maybe even a year back and they posted a ban protest on themselves. if rain had done a ban protest, i would've gladly +1'd him, he was a great admin, he donated more than anyone else in the clan, i've never had a problem with him abusing or being a dick or anything, i dont even remember if he ever got mad or anything.


not to mention but ive been hearing stuff about several ppl in this thread who have been blackmailing duckiijr into not posting a ban protest until a month goes by, the fact that there are members who would even consider doing that to someone else in the clan is appalling, you ppl know who you are, dont think that you're in the clear or anything.


im not gonna go much into mcneo so ill be short about it, he did help the community a lot in his time here, but he also mass freekilled to do the mona pizza challenge, and also threatened to ddos members, the ddos threat itself is enough to be permed without a ban protest at all. thats all i have to say about mcneo.



I would've ed McNeos thread too because he isn't better than the rules either. No one is


silence is, sure its his clan, but if he can do whatever he wants in it, than your point is rendered invalid, and as such that also gives cause to question the rest of your argument against duckiijr

You are asking for it to be lifted because apparently you are better than the rules.


you have no idea how much you are seriously jumping into conclusions about people, you havent been in the clan as long as duckijir has, so who are you to say stuff about him with the only thing being the fact that hes been vac banned for walling?


btw, slipery was supposed to stay banned from the servers, billy messed up in banning him and so he wasnt banned from everything


my point being that people are taking the negative things and blowing them way out of proportion saying its the worst thing in the world while ignoring or even denying the positive things that a player has done.

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Oscar's unban thread from february when he got banned for wallhacks by blatantly showing us in an admin abuse thread.


Everyone -1'd him "Disrespectful & Hacked". Yeah, I get he was disrespectful, but even on his new protest everyone's -1ing him mostly because "He hacked, once a hacker always a hacker". Why is the case different with DuckiiJr? He's a great guy, did a lot for the us by being a good member, mod, admin. Always on forums/teamspeak, but I don't think that's a good enough reason to unban him. I get where serbian & all the other people who +1'd are coming from, & I respect your decision, but mine is different. inb4 someone criticizes me.

@@MineCrack stop with the sarcastic remarks & snotty attitude, they gave their opinions, & you have NO right to put them down, & make them feel low. You yourself are giving yourself a bad reputation in my eyes.


/ontopic; I like to suckle on my finger & touch my butthole so it sizzles.


/slightlymoreontopic; DuckiiJr, you are a great person, & a terrible scrim player ;) :*.


You hacked on the scrim server. For a FRIENDLY scrim. Wtf. Atleast if you're gonna do it, make sure it's for something important. Anyways; We can never fully trust you won't go do it again when people start criticizing your css skills, because you have a point to prove or whatnot. You can't undo what you did, but their are thins you can do. Like; 1: Mona Pizza Challenge. 2; Find a way to get $20 & the picture. 3; Wait a while, & post another protest (If this gets denied). But, I have to -1. Not because I don't like you, not because I think you're a bad guy, but because I have this thing with hackers, & they just get right under my toenails & make me cringe.


tl;dr As people have said in other ban protests for hackers, "once a hacker always a hacker". Maybe people think differently, I don't know, that's what I inferred from it. I like you, but wait a bit & post another protest (If this gets denied). & I'll re-evaluate what's happened, & maybe consider +1'ing.


But until then,


I wish you goodluck from the bottom of my heart.


Thanks for being a great attribute to the community,


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Ok, all this crap about "Do the mona pizza challenge, or donate $20 blah blah fucking blah" 1,He's donated more than $20 in his entire time even IN xG, Also, Why the HELL would a mona pizza challenge allow him back in, BASICALLY you're all saying "Hey! You've been in the clan SO long, Done SO much for the community being active and a good mod,you got banned, So you have to do a fucking pizza challenge to prove you are allowed back in." #Wherethefuckisthislogic ? Still +1

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Ok, all this crap about "Do the mona pizza challenge, or donate $20 blah blah fucking blah" 1,He's donated more than $20 in his entire time even IN xG, Also, Why the HELL would a mona pizza challenge allow him back in, BASICALLY you're all saying "Hey! You've been in the clan SO long, Done SO much for the community being active and a good mod,you got banned, So you have to do a fucking pizza challenge to prove you are allowed back in." #Wherethefuckisthislogic ? Still +1


McNeo did a lot for the community. We denied him from getting unbanned. Although he did mass fk & threaten to ddos..


But you're spitting in all of our faces right now. We have our opinions, as do you. I would kindly like to ask you to refrain from criticizing other members opinions, as you are not always right, nor is anyone else.

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+0 You did hack but then again its in scrim and not our public servers or i would say no. But then again rain who donated shit loads of money to xg was never given a second chance.

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+0 You did hack but then again its in scrim and not our public servers or i would say no. But then again rain who donated shit loads of money to xg was never given a second chance.


dont think he asked for 1, he got VAC banned then joined dev. lol and when ur VAC banned they dont ban you right away? dont they wait a month or 2? so he must have been hacking for a while rite...?

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Since people are bringing up the three open ban protest threads so much, I think i'll hop on the bandwagon and share my thoughts.


DuckiiJr has been caught for hacking ONCE. It got him VAC banned and banned from the servers. However, he is a long time member who is well involved and hasn't disrespected in pretty well any form. Of the three he probably deserves an unban the most.


McNeo contributed a LOT to the community, but had a number of offenses, which lead to him still being banned.


Oscar hacked TWICE, and was a grouch (lol) pretty well the entire time you've been in the community, providing nothing good to it. The fact that he kept coming back to fuck up again proves he hadn't learned shit and never will. An unban would be insanity.


The bad normally outweighs the good in these cases, but considering DuckiiJr has done just about no harm of any kind in the act I'm not hesitant to +1 his protest. Obviously he isnt getting admin powers back for a while (I would hope) so people can stop worrying about that.

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Honestly I +1 to be nice and he's a good guy.


He should be permed unless he does the challenge, he broke the rules. He knew very well what he was injecting.


Also just came to the realization to my rude comments. Haven't slept in 2 days so disregard please.

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I just donated 20 dollars in duckiijrs name. Post a picture of yourself with a sign. Enjoy being unbanned.




Now can we start taking bans more seriously.

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