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Trails and what they look like! ALL of them!

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In this thread I will be posting a picture of every single trail, if I am missing one please tell me! some are duplicates though! If there is ANY pictures missing just tell me and I will work to get it up on here!


Airforce1: Yes

Airforce2: Yes

Apple: Yes

Arrowrainbow: Yes

Arrows: Yes

Awesome: Yes

Banknote: Yes

Beermug: Yes

Biohazard: Yes

Blade: Yes

Bluelightning: Yes (SAME EXACT THING AS "mat_lightning"!)

Bombomb: Yes

Boo: Yes

bulletbill: Yes

canadaflag: Yes

Candies: Yes

chrislights: Yes

cocacola: Yes

Colorbolt: Yes

Cookies: Yes

Cracked beam: Yes

Crown: Yes

DNA2: Yes

donuts: Yes

doublerainbow: Yes

earth: Yes

energy: Yes

energyball: Yes

fire: Yes

footprint: Yes

germanflag: Yes

goomba: Yes

grenade: Yes

gummybears: Yes

handgun: Yes

heart: Yes

hellokitty: Yes

hipnotic: Yes

ice1: Yes

leaves1: Yes

leaves21: Yes

lightspeed: Yes

lol: Yes

mario: Yes

mat_1up_shroom: Yes

mat_arrows: Yes

mat_awesome: Yes

mat_biohazard: Yes

mat_blade: Yes

mat_bomerman: Yes

mat_bombos: Yes

mat_bowser: Yes

mat_butterfly: Yes

mat_bulletbill2: Yes

mat_bumblebee: Yes

mat_crab: Yes

mat_creeper: Yes

mat_cthulu: Yes

mat_design_3: Yes

mat_design_4: Yes

mat_earth: Yes

mat_ehtermed: Yes

mat_goomba: Yes

mat_halflife: Yes

mat_hex: Yes

mat_jester: Yes

mat_kaleidoscope: Yes

mat_lightning: Yes

mat_lightwave: Yes

mat_luigi: Yes

mat_mac: Yes

mat_mastercheif: Yes

mat_peace: Yes

mat_pika: Yes

mat_preditor: Yes

mat_psycho: Yes

mat_quake: Yes

mat_question: Yes

mat_rain: Yes

mat_reg_shroom: Yes

mat_spider: Yes

mat_star: Yes

mat_stop: Yes

mat_triforce Yes

mat_troll: Yes

mat_tux: Yes

mat_ultra: Yes

mat_yoshi: Yes

medic: Yes

metallic1: Yes

metalskull: Yes

moneybag: Yes

mushroom: Yes

mushroom2: Yes

okami: Yes

pacman: Yes

paintsplatter: Yes

pawprint: Yes

peace: Yes

pikmin: Yes

pinkribbon: Yes

plur: Yes

pokeball: Yes

poker: Yes

potleaf: Yes

pretzel: Yes

psychball: Yes

psychtriangle: Yes

pumpkin: Yes

rainbow: Yes

seprainbow: Yes

sharingan: Yes

Skull: Yes

skullnbones: Yes

smugleaf: Yes

snowman: Yes

sos: Yes

Star: Yes

swirly: Yes

taco: Yes

trippy: Yes

ukflag: Yes

uparrow: Yes

usflag: Yes

warheads: Yes

warrior: Yes

wheels: Yes

wings: Yes

words: Yes

x-medic: Yes

yingyang: Yes

yingyang2: Yes

yukari: Yes


ALBUM FOR ALL THE TRAILS ---> [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2FHYbLZ;type=album[/MEDIA]

All the names of the trails and the trails are CLOSE to the order they are listed above (right to left) I will soon fix that!

Thank you very much Ganja for the help!

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I tip my hat to you good sir. You have done an incredibly good deed and I applaud you as well! Thanks for taking the time to do this Warrior


- Dat guy, Forest

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Thanks for the work (: We'll try to put the picture beside the name somehow on the forums

@@silence if you have time, try to integrate these pictures onto the forums so people can see what they are before buying.


Message me tomorrow Warriorsfury, thanks again!

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