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xG Squad Information

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Sinly and myself have decided since there are a few xG member that play Dayz on a regular basis we would create squad. The squad will consist of multiple members each with their own job in the group, for instance someone who always will drive the vehicle or fly the helicopter (if we have one), someone who will be a lookout for raiding towns and other camps and so on. Members will be chosen by Sinly and myself after going through a "tryout". During this tryout you will play Dayz with us and do missions in Arma's armory mode on my lan server. The squad will consist of 5-10 players.


We will let you know if you are in the group at a later date. After the group has been chosen I will make a xG sub-clan and Post the list of player, the amount of players is subject to change. The home server will be announced to the group members only.


To join please post below you would like to join.



IGN: Pandaman09

Have a mic: Yes

Is you mic quality good: Yes

Are you a new spawn: Yes

Do you live in the USA : Yes

If not where : N/A

On a scale from 1-10 how much #autismswag do you have: 2

What can you bring to the group: I can fly a helicopter and drive cars.


Please keep the What you bring to the group short and to the point, thanks :3


TL:DR ... If you don't read it you don't join :)


EDIT: To prevent further confusion, please use the layout below, thanks you :)




Have a mic:

Is you mic quality good:

Are you a new spawn:

Do you live in the USA :

If not where :

On a scale from 1-10 how much #autismswag do you have:

What can you bring to the group:

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Have a mic: Yes!

Is you mic quality good: Yes 10/10

Are you a new spawn: Yes

Do you live in the USA : Yes

If not where : N/A

On a scale from 1 - 10 how much #autismswag do you have: 2.5

What can you bring to the group: Driver Cars, Good Sniper, and Spotting.

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IGN: reflex

Have a mic: yes

Is you mic quality good: yes

Are you a new spawn: yes

Do you live in the USA : yes

If not where : N/A

On a scale from 1-10 how much #autismswag do you have: 10

What can you bring to the group: i suck , i just got this game and i played with exotic turkey crackers

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IGN: Death God

Have a mic:yes

Is you mic quality good: sure

Are you a new spawn: no

Do you live in the USA : mabe

If not where : japan

On a scale from 1-10 how much #autismswag do you have: "H"

What can you bring to the group: medical supplies

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IGN: Joe

Have a mic: Yes.

Is you mic quality good: Yes.

Are you a new spawn: Yes ma'am.

Do you live in the USA : Yes.

If not where :

On a scale from 1-10 how much #autismswag do you have: P0t4t0.

What can you bring to the group: Sexytime.

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I have talked to Sinly and because of school he is mostly busy, so member "approval" will happen on every Sunday until we can work out times along with school. The first two members who will be evaluated will be @@PiNoYPsYcHo and @@Reflex, if either of you are busy this Sunday the 26th, Please PM me or post in this thread.

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IGN: Evan

Have a mic: Yes.

Is you mic quality good: Yes, Excellent

Are you a new spawn: NO

Do you live in the USA : Yes

If not where : N/A

On a scale from 1-10 how much #autismswag do you have: over 9000

What can you bring to the group: I am a master pilot of any chopper.

As well as a good sniper/spotter and stay icy under pressure.


also. i have a server and i can dedicate it to xG

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