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Mods and Admins scrimming

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hmm "taking offense"? its called not been retarded and asking the "8" mods that are in a scrim to go do something on jb server. when theres other mods that arnt doing anything, go ask them to go mod? not that hard?




did i even know you? lol n yea im gmt so yea u wont see me on k?


"It's called not being retarded" Lol, normally if a person is just online and not playing an actual game 80% of the time they are not at their computer. Thus I can only ask the ones who are online playing in servers, whether that be a scrim server or another unrelated server.


Look bees im sorry to have bothered you, now go have fun playing some scrim :biggrin:

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I think turdwig honestly summed it up very nicely. Most of the people who I know scrim make apperances on the server throughout the day. Look at papi, he was an amazing div and he scrimmed all the time. But he also played jailbreak. People can do both guys. And for the mods that never ever get on any servers besides scrim, its a whole diff story. Thats more of a matter of blatant inactivity and goes beyond just mods that scrim. Bunch of other people just don't get on css period.


So I think everybody should turn it down a notch. Me for example, I have over 30 days played on jailbreak alone so recently I've been trying out playing other things for fun as well. Go, TTT, mc etc. Doesn't mean I'm not still active on the servers :P


We have tons of mods on daily and if we really have over 50 mods in the css division and theres seriously a huge shortage of mods in jailbreak, then our problem goes deeper than people just scrimming. It goes to general inactivity of people not being on. Theres really I would say a group of 10-13 mods/admins that have gotten into scrimming lately. So that really can't be our source of problems. At least not completly. And most if not all of them all actively play on the servers anyways. I think mainly is that people are used to those people only being on jailbreak. Them being on anything else just feels alien.


If there's an actual problem of shortage on jailbreak, you have to look a little beyond a group of friends scrimming.

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i think the topic is lost here no one is saying "DON'T SCRIM" what is being said that maybe reduce the amount of mods/ admins you take to a scrim maybe 2-4 at a time at the very most but i mean when you can look down into the scrim server and see every single rank of admin from co-leader down in a scrim and then when you go to JB and see there may be 1 mod on with 50+ on it seems a little ridiculous. whatever people think is being said is misunderstanding the original message Pay attention who is scrimming and stop going into TS and through Steam and taking all the mods and admins to scrim

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