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JB Mods

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Ok , JB has not been doing so well especially by the fact tht we barely ever have mods on anymore , and when there is mods on they dont realy do their job right as suppose to. We need pple who know wat to do and will be willing to do their best in CSS JB. pple are breaking rules since there is no one with powers in there , so its ok for them to break it cause we cant do anything about it , lots of freekills are occuring and i myself witness the freekilling going on and i get mad at myself cause i cant do nothing but sit back and hope for a mod/admin to come in.

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I would join, but i somewhat give up on jailbreak, when im on theres always a shit ton of rulebreakers, and another mod that might be on ends up leaving so im stuck alone dealing with everything myself, also other mods and crap have school because thats starting up now

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I was about to rip my fucking hair out. There was admins on. Mass freekiller. Nothing happened. Freekillers. Nothing happened. I spammed admin chat. Never got a response and guess what.... NOTHING HAPPENED. ADMINS DONT SEEM TO DO SHIT NOW. WHAT THE FUCK!? And I know they were not afk. A guy freekilled and refused to slay himself. Admins did nothing. Opened cells when orders were given not to open cells. Nothing happened. I am extremely fucking disappointed in the mods/admins. I'm so fucking pissed off right now. But at long last more mods have finally come on. Hopefully BETTER mods that actually do their fucking job. And don't gimme the bullshit "We can't see everything that goes on" excuse. Yes it's true you can't, but there was an unbelievable amount of rule breakers EVERY round and NOTHING happened to them. EVEN A MASS FREEKILLER GOT AWAY WITH SHIT. OH MY FUCKING GOD IM GOING TO BURST!

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when I was on today there was about 6 other admins on with me. Even when I was alone everything was going smoothly and no freekillers/complaints. I don't know how I miss these things but guys.. If this is a constant thing like you guys said, record a demo.


I don't understand how you guys say that someones freekilling for half an hour straight yet nobody has a demo??


People are busy with shit etc. I myself have a ton of classes I always need to study for.


Just demo guys, keep one running if you need to until an admin comes in..

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I agree with most of what you said, but is it really fair to get mad/blame the mods and admins. As far as I know, they have to see the offense happen, or at least have extensive proof before they can slay. I can almost go as far as saying its those who aren't mods that are the problem, because the second there is a freeslay we complain and give them crap; and many times threaten to get them stripped as mod. They have to be careful not to freeslay, the consequences are too strict.


Yes, there are mods/admins that are not doing their job. Although we also can't expect them to do it every second they are one.


My solution:

Admins should be required to send a message back to anyone who alerts them of an offense in admin chat.


Me: @ speedlimit didn't tell me to drop the gun, and freekilled me.

Admin, in private response: Ok, I'll watch him when I can.


This solves a few problems

1. Admins have to pay attention to admin chat

2. We know that someone is watching, that the admins are active

3. It stops the damn bickering that I see everyday in team chat "Holy shit admin, he freekilled!" -spammed 100 times, until the freekiller sees it and starts an argument


Alright I'm done rambling, sorry for any spelling errors it's a pita to type on the iPhone.

Tldr: we can't blame the admins/mods, there needs to be a procedure for reporting and responding to reports of rule breaking.

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Come on guys, you complain & complain, but yet, NO ONE ever calls me on jb. Like, I'm not a fucking mind reader. I'm always on ts, so you can talk to me there. Don't blame us, we're available. If someone isn't doing there job as mod/admin, get proof, & post on forums. ffs.


You guys are starting to piss me off when you say we aren't doing shit, when really, you guys aren't doing shit. You should be messaging us on steam or ts if you need us.

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damn i watch a show for 2 days and this happens nice ill get on sometime later today right now i cant but in a few hours i will, and like EZ said no1 ever calls us to get on our steams are on or were even in teamspeak just sitting there we can always get on to take care of some1 that is breaking the rules

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well i've been going on and if i try to enforce the rules strictly i get bitched at when i sit back and just play and slay or teamban what i see i get bitched at no offense i just got mod and it's already a losing battle so i've mostly been going on CS go a lil bit more to try and get the people who know the rules on CT since no one fucking does there but i dunno i don't get bitched out for modding there i get actual praise it's kinda nice and now i'm apping for TTT mod since there aren't to many there

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The biggest problem i see, is that people dont understand that we can't slay, unless we are sure that they broke the rules.

When someone reports that they got freekilled, i usually pm the person who "freekilled", and ask why he killed the person. Often people dont answer, and then i know to look after them.

Some people just think that they can say, slay him, ct ban him etc. But i also see people think they got freekilled, when they actually didnt. Therefore we need to be sure before we take action.


And yea, i also see the problem with mods not doing anything, and alot of inactive mods.

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this happens very often and we have a shit ton of mods / admins that can go on and watch the servers but people got school jobs you can't depend on them to be on whenever you want them to be

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damn i watch a show for 2 days and this happens nice ill get on sometime later today right now i cant but in a few hours i will, and like EZ said no1 ever calls us to get on our steams are on or were even in teamspeak just sitting there we can always get on to take care of some1 that is breaking the rules


Not kissing ass or bashing other mods/admins but Ganja sure as hell purges JB of rule breakers within seconds.

Other then that I just don't see others putting their fist down to BAITERS especially.


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i love these threads. But in all seriousness if a mods not doing their job record it and show higher ups. Call in better mods such as myself i am on mot of the day watching over the TTT server. but all in all don't complain about every fucking mod, you act as if we are all like the bad mos we have, we arnt. For example last night i was playing TTT with friends got a msg about JB went on and ealt with it told em to msg me if they had ny more problems and went back to what i was doing.

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TBH,theres many mods that i would love to see demoted, and if i wanted(i dont) i would name a few of them, ive been starting to take demos but never catch crap, but by my luck if i turn the demo off to start a new one they do some stupid shit that they shouldnt be doing. And also i try hard to be a "good" mod, but theres not 1 mod/admin/div that sees EVERY single thing, now if i get a report unless im busy with other ones, i ask why they killed the person etc. Ill go spec for like a half hour just to solve ONE problem, and im not saying anyone here is, but then ill solve someones problem,then other people with problems with freekillers etc. message admins and say we never do shit about stuff,i try solving problems, and i guarantee if half the people who complain about mods sucking and that we need new ones, prob wouldnt be a good mod themselve,other than speed and duckii :)

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If there is a problem with mods/admins on jailbreak, ill play less surf & start spectacting on jailbreak more, because i am usually on surf 24/7(not when i'm in school of course) but my schedule lets me play on xG servers for 4+ hours a day.

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