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xG GanjaMonster (+ bonus Snakeboy freekill demo!)

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The point all of us here are making is basically what Forest and RpgS said, it is COMPLETELY WITHING HIS RIGHT TO DO AN LR LIKE THAT as there is the same possible ways for him to die as the CTs he LRs to die, however making him exit climb and do it again for the CTs puts an advantage in their favor. since he finished climb and then got LR he did the climb exactly one time. none of the CTs went and did climb yet, thus when he LRs them all the CTs get....... wait for it......... ONE CHANCE at the climb game. giving them the exact same amount of possible ways to die making it completely fair.


The argument you are making is that it is unfair to do a guntoss somewhere just because it is hard to get there, thus should be against rules to do. by that logic because climb itself on canyondam is so hard, it is an illegal map game to play and any CT as warden telling Ts to do climb must be CT banned for breaking rules. however we can still tell the Ts to do climb, essentially sending them to their deaths (except the few smart enough to know the way through) and because we can, i don't see the issue with having an LR of guntoss at the end of it.


in conclusion: having a guntoss at the end of climb does not mean he has to go back and re-do it, yes the CTs would have to go through climb to him when he LRs them. however they would be delaying if they don't make a concerted effort towards reaching the end of climb, if they fall, then they fall and die. tough shit. that is what it should be seen as, because based on the MOTD he is well within his right to do this. there is nothing against being a complete asshat with your LR rules for guntoss as long as there is no advantage given.


also if we follow your logic, then on any map with a bhop thing, if @@Aram is in the server we are not allowed to do it because he is good at bhop it would be unfair.

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This is an odd analogy. The T and CT both have the same capabilities to do climb. Bunny-hopping during a guntoss is against the rules; jumping is not. It may be true that if they can't do climb, they fall off and die...but if I couldn't do climb to get to the other side, I would have fallen off and the CTs would have won. Both parties undergo the same circumstances and therefore no advantages are given.


Thats like giving a gun to a 10 yr old and a Marine with 20 years of experience and saying that there's fair chance with no advantages. One thing you're forgetting in all this is EXPERIENCE. PHYSICALLY they have the CAPABILITY to do it, but that still doesnt mean that it's fair.

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One thing you're forgetting in all this is EXPERIENCE. PHYSICALLY they have the CAPABILITY to do it, but that still doesnt mean that it's fair.


Then that means if aegean does noscope it is unfair, if aram is on and we do bhop on a map it is unfair, etc. then we would have to restrict different things based on who is on.

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as for punishments none need to be served here Snakeboy killed him slayed himself before end of round then slayed himself at start of next round that is shown, Neo the Slayer believed it was a Cheap LR to make CTs cross climb then do guntoss. I agree that this is a cheap LR and here is why, Loller is right he can do it at climb and he can cross it whatever but because he is outside and the CTs just have to be in the same room as Ts to be considered "WITH Ts" as other rules state meaning they by whatever means do not have to follow the T across climb to start so since they do not have to follow him across and he gets across then begins the gun toss it is a cheap LR since the CTs do not start in the same location as him. i refer to Race in a Race LR across climb the T must complete climb twice once to set the finish line at the end and once to win the race. This LR is fairly close to being valid and i can see how it can be misunderstood both ways but since he has chosen to start gun toss across climb he has to either start it then go across for each CT or only LR one CT there and then go some where else, the rules for LR means it has to be fair DURING the LR outside circumstances before the LR do not count into it.



TO SUMMARIZE CTs do not have to follow across climb the T must be In progress of an LR to force the CT to cross climb with him and if he starts the LR across climb while the other CT is on the opposite side of climb it is a Cheap LR and the T should be slain.

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as for punishments none need to be served here Snakeboy killed him slayed himself before end of round then slayed himself at start of next round...


Ok, so what you're telling me is that I can kill anybody for any reason as long as I slay myself twice? Lets get that added into the MotD. That means that the CTs will win every single round where an LR is given because they can freekill the Ts on their LR without punishment from admins. I think I like that rule, lets get it added!



TO SUMMARIZE CTs do not have to follow across climb the T must be In progress of an LR to force the CT to cross climb with him and if he starts the LR across climb while the other CT is on the opposite side of climb it is a Cheap LR and the T should be slain.


Since you seem to be repeating what other people are saying, I can only assume that you haven't read (or at least understood) the thread... so let me direct you to Chrono's post; he explains the situation wonderfully:


The point all of us here are making is basically what Forest and RpgS said, it is COMPLETELY WITHING HIS RIGHT TO DO AN LR LIKE THAT as there is the same possible ways for him to die as the CTs he LRs to die, however making him exit climb and do it again for the CTs puts an advantage in their favor. since he finished climb and then got LR he did the climb exactly one time. none of the CTs went and did climb yet, thus when he LRs them all the CTs get....... wait for it......... ONE CHANCE at the climb game. giving them the exact same amount of possible ways to die making it completely fair.


The argument you are making is that it is unfair to do a guntoss somewhere just because it is hard to get there, thus should be against rules to do. by that logic because climb itself on canyondam is so hard, it is an illegal map game to play and any CT as warden telling Ts to do climb must be CT banned for breaking rules. however we can still tell the Ts to do climb, essentially sending them to their deaths (except the few smart enough to know the way through) and because we can, i don't see the issue with having an LR of guntoss at the end of it.


in conclusion: having a guntoss at the end of climb does not mean he has to go back and re-do it, yes the CTs would have to go through climb to him when he LRs them. however they would be delaying if they don't make a concerted effort towards reaching the end of climb, if they fall, then they fall and die. tough shit. that is what it should be seen as, because based on the MOTD he is well within his right to do this. there is nothing against being a complete asshat with your LR rules for guntoss as long as there is no advantage given.


Also, lol @ "cheap LR". You realize by saying that, Shaggy, you admit that it is a legitimate LR, right?

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I SAID IT IS BOTH fucking read i said if you start the gun toss then cross climb the CT must follow as it is per your LR request THE REST OF THE CTs however can sit back and watch if you then start a new LR in the same location saying they must come to you now that is a Cheap LR at that point you must go back and start over again as per rules. i am using said rules in reference from Race since the T must do the start and finish points by going there he would have to cross climb. maybe you should read better.

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Sigh. It's not cheap.. they both have to do it. Is making a ct go up a ladder for a gun toss then considered cheap? I don't see how its any different then making him do climb. A ct can be incredibly stupid and fall of the ladder and die..


And what shake said, if you get an incredibly amazing t to noscope, should we slay him right away from having an ''advantage''. No, because thats the point. Get good at climb. Its like slaying somebody bc they know how to aim and the other guy doesn't.. They both have equal chances of winning to start with, then skill comes in.


And i don't understand why everybody gets upset when one t decides to do something somewhat challenging. Its the ct's job to make the t's miserable..


So no, its not any more of a cheap lr then it is to make a ct go up a high ladder. The t earned it, just learn how to climb.

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Sigh. It's not cheap.. they both have to do it. Is making a ct go up a ladder for a gun toss then considered cheap? I don't see how its any different then making him do climb. A ct can be incredibly stupid and fall of the ladder and die..

K i said again HE CAN lr there yes but only if he !lr before crossing if he !lr once already across it is a cheap LR none of the CTs have any obligation to cross climb for him since he may die on first LR so for the rest of the CTs after he crosses climb and LRs he must go to the start again and redo climb each time if he wants to LR those who did not cross climb since again they have no obligation to cross climb to the T until they are in LR and then it has to be fair to both sides to get to said location in this instance end of climb since the CT is on the start and he's already at the end it is unfair to the CT and will result in slay if he doesn't go back to start and crosses with CT. Making it fair for both. if you want to be a giant dick and LR at the end of climb you must cross it each time for each CT

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Ok, so what you're telling me is that I can kill anybody for any reason as long as I slay myself twice? Lets get that added into the MotD. That means that the CTs will win every single round where an LR is given because they can freekill the Ts on their LR without punishment from admins. I think I like that rule, lets get it added!



It's ONE freekill and he slayed himself he would have been slain by admin anyways, it's not to hard to understand that is it? if i go on and see you doing that im just ct ban you doing it ONCE THEN SLAYING URSELF and yea you probly wont be punished. keep doing it and wont matter u;ll get teamban do you understand that yet? like srs stop being a cunt about it.



Also it is a cheap LR because they are dying to the actual LR and are dying to the place he chose to do his LR at. so yea he does it once and then just watchs as CT die. And by every1's logic it's to hard to do so why even use it for t's.... By every1's whos agreeing logic i can do it in race and basicly just watch the ct's die as the race kills them pretty much same thing, and if t's did it and he made it then got LR thats different, he won up there. But to get LR then go to climb and then start the LR after he gets there is delaying. or even starting it then doing climb is still delaying LR.

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...or even starting [the guntoss LR] then doing climb is still delaying LR.


Everyone who agrees with me have gone over your earlier points multiple times. But I will respond to your last sentence: is it delaying when a T starts a guntoss LR on one end of the map and wants to go into the guntoss arena on the other end of the map? Is it delaying to choose where you want to do a guntoss? "Delaying" is pretty subjective. It seems like you guys are starting to grasp at straws here.



As for Shaggy, we've explained our points of view to you multiple times. And to be honest, it's really difficult to read and fully understand your posts since you seldom use periods to separate your ideas.

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then just read it all and no i refuse to be grammatically correct on the internet that is asking far too much effort for a fucking past time. i will not state what i have already stated

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In my opinion this wasnt a unfair advantage. Its just a giant dick move on his part. Though depending on how long it took him to complete climb before starting the lr, could be considered delaying. I think of delaying as anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute as delaying. In which case I would slay. 30 seconds being that they are intentionally doing so.


Now if this was a slay on delaying, which from what I understand it wasnt, then it wouldnt be a free slay. But instead, it was a slay on account of Ganja thinking it was a unfair advantage. So technically it wasnt a freeslay. You deserved to be slayed for delay, and though you were slayed for another false reason, you still got the correct punishment.


Now as for you loller, why cant you just do LR the shorter, faster way. People want to get back in game and play, and purposefully making them have to wait longer makes them not like you. Now I can understand your frustration. In your opinion they were free slays, along with the fact that you go freekilled. Though acting like a dick about it just makes people dislike you even more. Even your thread title is intentionally annoying. People would have taken this more seriously if you had in the first place. This is just advice from a pro dick. Take the advice or dont its up to you.


Now that my little rant is over, this gave me an idea. If @@Starbuck isnt too busy. We could see if he could just make it so when you start a gun toss with someone that it teleports them to you. Not just for things like loller did, but on maps like Avalanche, Cts can be all the way on the other side of the map when you gun toss them, and it just makes the game take longer because they have to run all the way back to where the LR would be. Just a little off topic idea.


TL;DR Loller stop being a dick, not a freeslay, slayed for wrong reason, but still deserved, and maybe new plug-in.

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[getting slayed for delaying is legit]


In the first round in which $nakeboyeric shot me, I started LR by cells and then went to the end of climb. Maybe that instance was delaying, but like you and I said: "delaying" is subjective. I'm sure you and I both have seen LRs last way longer than they should - even longer than it takes to do climb.


In the second round where I got slayed, I got LR (i.e. the second last T died on climb) when I was already at the end of climb; no delays were made that round.


Most people are taking this thread seriously, odd-thread-title or not.


I don't really mind what people think of me for doing an LR the way I'd like. It's a game. I acknowledge your advice. Your teleportation-to-T-for-the-guntoss idea would be a good solution.

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