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Divide division tags

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I have been thinking about this for a long time.

In my opionion should people with powers, only have tag for their powers on in that division, not every other divisions.

It's confusion when a Division leader in another division, comes with a D tag in CSS, and he is only moderator there.

Also when a guy comes with a A tag to CSS, with no powers.

I think its kinda confusing for everyone. Other people think them as for example admin in CSS, when they actually cant do shit :P


I wanna hear peoples opinon on this, because i havent thought of any downsides yet :P

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ill make a post dividing the tags up so ppl dont get confused, ill keep xg:M/A/D as regular css tags, xg:TF2-M/A/D as tf2 tags, xg:CSGO-M/A/D as cs go tags, xg:MC-M/A/D as minecraft tags, and ill keep nuclear dawn tags as they are cause the members from nuclear dawn mostly play nuclear dawn

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I thought about asking about this first but I thought about people like me would i got xG:CSS/Gmod/CSGO|M

?? cus i go on each and have mod on each :P

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I thought about asking about this first but I thought about people like me would i got xG:CSS/Gmod/CSGO|M

?? cus i go on each and have mod on each :P


Then switch your tags when you are playing lols.

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I think trente has got a point, confusion will lead to disrespect to admins or/and mod's and that's something that shude be avoided, but i can also understand, that having to change your tag, just to play a other game, will lead to adhesie between the divisions, will lead to isolation of players in the only game they play best,i play a lot Nuclear Dawn,...there i have proven xG, i'm worthy to be a mod,...and i'm willing to prove the same in any other game, and any other division.to prove that mod's and admins are 2 be respected, no matter what game or division and shud have the same autority, within this clan.


(about outside this clan, i don't speak about,...),(not my war)


but for me, having to change tag, will decrease my motivation, which i consider to be decrease of my horizon.

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the one way i can see it working is if your exclusively mod or admin on certain servers like TF2 only then maybe have that in the tag if you play in alot of the servers you don't have powers in so like for me i just leave M since i don't really ever play TF2 or Nuc dawn or whatever else.

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it's not gonna kill you, if you change your tag once or twice when you play css/tf2/gmod or w/e you play.
you have no proof that it won't D:

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I would have to agree with Mark. That is the best solution, because its not unusually that people have powers in more than one division like Shaggy.

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It's not hard to change your name. When I want to go play TF2 I have to take the D out or it will kick me for an illegal tag.

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It's not hard to change your name. When I want to go play TF2 I have to take the D out or it will kick me for an illegal tag.


I quess this has been removed from CSS

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What we could do is---

make steam groups for admins\mods on tf2 or css

So the tag would be in game Tf2admin Or cs:s Admin same thing for mod

It wouldnt be to hard if we get someone to manage these and update it bi-weekly with promo demo's

Then enforce them to wear multiplayer clan tag.

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