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Jailbreak. There is no break in hell

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Im new to admin. It's hard to admin 30 peeps by myself jus sayin. I've got alot of good feedback from the people that play in there regularly but I guess there's some stuff im doing wrong. Any suggestions so I can be a better admin?

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Just play a lot... get a feel for how people do stuff n shit.

If you have any questions, I'm usually in teamspeak so just join and talk to me :3

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dont act immediately based on what just one or a few ppl said, if someone said "x is freekilling" and enough ppl are complaining, then go to spectate and watch the person, if ur suspicions are right, then u can punish the freekiller and not worry about making the wrong move. if ur not sure about whether someone did or did not break rules then dont act on it, better to not slay a freekiller than to slay an innocent

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Come in Teamspeak and hop in on any of our channels, we are usually good to answer questions unless we are in the middle of something (I swear if you come in while I am playing league I will rage.)

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Lmao @ Chrono. Thank you to everybody that posted and is willing to help. Also, yes speechluss you are helping me ingame =]

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Yes WE WILL ALL HELP i can jump on CS:go whenever but i will not leave if i'm on TTT and no other mods or admins are on TTT but if you msg me on steam i can help you out on TS

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When shit is going crazy, it's better to be on the CT team or spectate. Being on CT you get a better understanding of what's actually going on if you have a attention disorder. As well as being in spectate gives you the option to watch over everything. When it's crowded as well, don't be afraid to throw out the 3 hour team bans. I give those out often usually for 45+ people or with no mods/admins on with 40+ people.


It's better during the school year though, during the summer it was usually 50+ people and one admin on :p. I will post pics later of that though.


Though, with 30ish people on you shouldn't have a problem. You really need to just worry about the CTs and slight chat spam/disrespect. Look for mic spam at the beginning (includes holding down mic, spamming it as soon as round ends, and or random noises).

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