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Following Another, Who Followed Me.

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As Prince said before, which i told him (in a skype call), xG is tearing itself apart. i love you all to death, but we REALLY DO need to get this straightened out. this will just be a temporary leave, until the shit has been gotten straight.


I will be around on steam, but i cannot proudly wear the xG tag right now, as it seems that we have turned our backs to each other and started acting distrustful towards everyone, regardless of evidence. I cannot say with any certainty that we are any better than those whom we would call opponents anymore, especially since we are acting the way they did and do to people we used to say were friends.


I will still be around, but i must temporarily bow out of xG, take a break, and evaluate things from the outside looking in before i decide to come back.


Arrivederci, Until later, my friends.





P.S. it's worth mentioning that this break will likely be only one or two weeks, but possibly more. until then, i'll still be around.


EDIT: i'm back yadda yadda inb4 loads of hate

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I have posted an update on the things that have been going lately, I promise we are taking care of this properly and in respects to the other members in this clan. Hopefully you and Prince do come back soon (:


take care on your temporary leave, I do understand and I do apologize for any problems this might have caused you or others.

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I mean logically speaking, if you're coming back in 1-2 weeks, what's the point of even leaving in the first place?


Regardless of evidence?? The glove fit on goat, so he's not getting an acquittal.

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Goat has proof it wasn't him

He has how he knows how to DoS before. While being confronted he was stuttering then he said he was DoSing earlier. After someone notifying you of what you just said, you stuttered and changed the story. Also from what I've heard you attempted to explain what happen.

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Instead saying he has proof how about you prove it.

Didn't notice I worded my sentence wrongly I meant to say he says he has proof it wasn't him. Sorry bout that but anyways it was official that it was him and Aegean said no more talk of it so yeah it was him and his "proof" that I posted for him was pointless lol

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"Gone in 2 weeks"



Yeah good luck coming back and this place not being a shitstorm. No seriously, let me know how that works out for you.

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"Gone in 2 weeks"



Yeah good luck coming back and this place not being a shitstorm. No seriously, let me know how that works out for you.


too late for that


and i said one or two weeks. i'm back now, after observing things from the outside for a time.


and i find it incredibly funny that people think this was all about Goat, when it was, in fact, me recognizing that quite a few people in positions of power had been banned or left xG in the past few weeks. Also, the fact that people would stoop to the level of someone they view as scum. If Goat really DID DoS people in xG, which i still do not believe, mind you, and people hate him for DoSing, then they should hate themselves for DDoSing HIM in return.


anyway, yes, i am back, yadda yadda, let the shitstorm commence etc. i don't care anymore.

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