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goodbye homosexuals

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Ah... it has been a good run, but i must depart...


I might still get on jb every now and then to cause havoc, but im moving on.

basically, i feel the xG community has been plagued with some god awful std that for once, i didnt give it.

People who shouldnt have mod or admin, have mod or admin. theres people who get on jb, and i literally look and see that they are on and i refuse to get on because i cant have fun on the server, and some of these people were even people i enjoyed playing with, but the majority of them, they got admin or mod powers, and became either A. Assholes, or B. abusive as fuck or very, very strict with the rules (which just ruins the game. fucking enforce the rules, but dont be a ass about it or ruin the game for someone because they did one little bad thing, or better yet, fucking ban them for breaking one tiny rule)


With school and everything else, i know i havent had much time to get on alot or let alone visit the forums. ive tried changing that recently, but instead, i get badgered by these new mods and admins and end up either getting banned or getting so pissed that i just get off.


the fact that i wont get on when certain people are on is already bad enough, but pushing me to the point of leaving the clan that literally made my life 40 billion times easier to deal with during a tough time of my life... that fucking sucks man.


on a final note, im just going to say that i miss my old xG, and i just want to know... where she is...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDajrwMF5To


now someone tell me how to fucking leave, cuz i have no idea how to do this shit

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you've been here 4 months? What kinda old xG are you talking about lol.




Sucks man, i know the feeling. See you around :)

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I agree 100% I feel you dawg/scuba cat. I can see why you would leave and I agree 100 fucking percent. It's kinda true though, and I've done the same exact thing Scuba, when you see who's on and then just don't want to get on.

Good luck baby~

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I swear to god if someone says my name I will fucking ban them... wait that didn't help my cause did it? =/ double chin wont be activated for me one last time then?

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i havent been around long, but when i joined it was damn good and in the short time i was here it changed incredibly quickly. like when i would get on i couldnt stop smiling, now i just get pissed and dont want to play. not exactly talking about you chrono, especially since youve been here long before i joined. like for example, i might be a chill bro if i became a mod or admin, but mary jesus dicking christ you do not give someone like me admin or mod, yet i see soooo many people who are getting mod and admin. it makes me wut everywhere

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like when i would get on i couldnt stop smiling, now i just get pissed and dont want to play.

That's not the community lol, that's the game, it takes a while for you to realize how bad it is, I'm pretty sure everyone experiences that, that's why people move on to other servers aside from jailbreak, cus it sucks.

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It's a shame to see you depart bud, I wish you luck in your future endeavors and hope that you overcome any obstacle that bitches throw at ya. Hoping to see you atleast once in a while though, don't dissapoint me. (or I Will find you. And I Will kill you.)

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2011 old xg represent :smile:


But scuba I understand what you mean by that, and I agree, since if there are fun people and not strict as fuck mods/admins then you can actually joke around and have fun without worrying about breaking rules

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