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I resign,

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So ima keep it short,


Since the moment I entered xG,

I couldn't believe what was before me and what I could see,

A Organised server that wasn't run by power hungry and money craved Fiends,


But lets be honest the forums are boring and the only reason I got on this shit was to be post whoring, So I can work my way to up to Moderator and try to go for all of the above,

Took too long of a break and haven't been on team speak in months,


Nah nah for serious though done with the rapping, To be honest I love this clan and most of the people in it even though I didn't get along with most except you Mohammad,

Fuck you bitch.


I remember the first time I joined the server I got onto CT without reading the MOTD and Free killed about 7 people and got banned from CT for a few weeks, that was almost 8 or 9 or I don't even know how many months ago. and I still love the server till this day and the community, The recent merges were also very great and we got a lot of cool people in the clan including @@Neo and @Star faggot or whatever his name is.


From what I have been observing as my time on xG staff list, tbh not many of you abuse or anything some do if I have called you out on it in the past I was probably cooked and didn't mean it. @@GanjaMonster Why do you guys keep picking on him like hes some power hungry dick, Hes a great guy and I have watched him admin for so long and not once have I even seen him abuse in a way that could affect the community majorly or anything that should be considered other then a 'joke'. @@Duke I'm also sorry I am such a dick to you bro, but you know you're kinda funny and its all for shits and giggles Duke The Lion.


@Link_ You're a cool fucking guy even though you're a massive hyrulian faggot shop owner or whatever you are. But overall you're a solid fucking dude, and Man.... Volleyball isn't that gay... I actually like it. Anyways after this Resignation I most likely won't ever be on these servers again besides from the odd time to time, or maybe one day I will come back who knows. I had a great time but that time has come on gone and a lot of you I will most likely have memories of far into the future, but until next time... Catch ya on the Flip side.


Buh bai,


also @@Chrono is a bitch. <3


PSS Anyone who wasn't mentioned in this thread you're still fucking awesome and don't let anyone tell you otherwise... You hear me? Or else Stence will beat em up for ya.

@DaKorean Keep hustlin playa.

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Am I the only one who didn't notice he was rapping in the beginning..?


There are rhymes. I think he collaborated with JayZ on this one.

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Anyways after this Resignation I most likely won't ever be on these servers again besides from the odd time to time, or maybe one day I will come back who knows.


Good luck with that.

Haha but anyway it was nice knowing you. Always get you deo and duplolas messed up for some reason.


See you later!

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