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So as all you Americans know, the East Coast got hit by a hurricane named Sandy. I, living in Pennsylvania, got hit pretty hard. Luckily, my house has no damage to it :P I did have off from school for 2 days though :)

Just wondering, who else got hit by it? Was anything damaged?

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I don't see why people complained about Katrina, at least Katrina didn't know karate...


on a side note somewhat relevant, people should not have spread their Cheeks for Sandy to Karate Chop.


Oh jeez, i'm so terrible. le xd face<------- on purpose so that newfags don't get lost in the concept of whitetext, we seem to have problems with that occuring recently where someone doesn't realize it, and takes something that was a joke serious.

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dude new york got trashed cuz of it floods everyuwhere 6 million people without power shits crazy


My best friend goes to school in NY. Shes been without power for awhile now, and her dorm is flooded. Shits scary man

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its crazy dude Hudson river is 4 feet above the sea level people are pretty much living in the sea right now


I know. Her dorm is right near the hudson. I was skyping her earlier today, and she held the camera up to the window. Shits ridiculous. The only reason you can tell where the river is, is because of the treeline. The water level is even with the street...by a long shot. Fucking scary man, im hoping for the best. Im talking to her pretty much 24/7 at this point.

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Got hit by a pretty bad wind, some people died from shit flying around, lots of power outages and we only got the outside of the hurricane. We also got a lot of rain throughout the whole week, but no flooding really.

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dude what if the water level stays like that and doesn't go back down ? it will be the new Venice that shit got flooded too because of some storm


It would most likely never stay up. After awhile the sun would dry up alot the earth would soak alot in and water plants would most likely make it a product after cleaning it.

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Yeah nothing really happened here in Upstate New York. About 200 people lost power around where I live. Only thing that really happened other than that was the weather was just a little bit more depressing than usual.

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