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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Bring back dead chat.

    Live people can no longer see dead people talking. This is due to a non-existant ghosting problem. This change is only causing problems, from friends having problems communicating to mods not knowing there are issues happening. There's also a problem with mic spam, you can't ask people to stop micspamming on freedays if you're dead. Basically, this change solved nothing and has only caused more problems.
  2. 1 point


    Im actually thinking on getting Teamspeak so that part is maybe a lie :P
  3. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    +1 Peeble as I like to talk with people while I am alive/dead and it makes the server more funny and social. Although I agree with the @Admin chat to deal with freekillers, only thing is we don't do much to tell most people that the option is there, besides Bleed having it binded
  4. 1 point

    Shadow1226 - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 he's shown a better understanding of rules, tries to help mods and admins when he can, good guy
  5. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    I don't agree that an ocasional issue where a CT would abuse dead chat is worth the pain and suffering (joke) that this has caused. If there was a poll for this decision, I guarantee you there would be an overwhelming majority that vote to bring it back.
  6. 1 point

    Game - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 no just no you really do that.why on earth would you do that.I thought Poncher joined HG but he didnt,i dont want to see you in game or anything for along time. you had no right to do that. find another server to troll on you little troll ****.
  7. 1 point

    Me and DL

    Spawn ain't so bad, but its got nothing on my dirt house.
  8. 1 point

    Clarification Thread

    Because all of those people dont play anymore and everyone nowadays didnt. They have the mindset that everything has to be by the book and make sure everyone does every rule, which still could be said are too many of, and I have noticed this because I played CSS when jb first started and no one ever played on jb servers but when they did it was for fun and to get away from the game types people actually used to play like gg, surf, dr, and pub servers but now everyone plays jb because it became so popular in the last year or so I think if enough old fags try to bring back old jb where it was fun and not so serious it will become more fun and make the community overall less tense and stressful
  9. 1 point

    Wailord - Counter-Strike: Source

    Please remember everyone you need to follow the guidelines set in order for your vote to count. Be specific in your reasoning. My weigh in: 0 You tend to rage about anything. We want to give you a chance. Just be the better person when someone starts things with you. Don't spam admin chat, our lives are hectic enough without the spam. A: 7/10(Pretty active when he doesn't rage quit.) M: 6/10 (Work on the raging to us in admin chat.)
  10. 1 point

    Clarification Thread

    Can't we just go back to the time when everyone played to have fun? A time when no one was out to get the other and trying to get the other slain. A time where when they got killed, they tipped their hat and said "Gg" (and or cussed them out jokingly) instead of complaining and trying their hardest to get that person slain? You know, we wouldn't need these rules if everyone didn't start picking at the rules and let things be, or if people didn't start loopholing everything out their ass. As Chrono and Gkoo said, it's not that difficult to understand.
  11. 1 point

    Admin "Rule changing"

    Saw this coming as soon as I mentioned you, I won't lie. I know, I know, I'm contradicting myself. I'm trying to make it as fair as I can while also appealing to how everyone feels toward it. If majority feels that there should be No rule for Rebel Hunting at all, speak now or forever hold your peace. This thread just turned into a discussion, I want to know how everyone feels toward it.
  12. 1 point

    Admin "Rule changing"

    Lolz? There should be no restrictions on rebel hunting. Going by your contradictory posts, it's clearly not as black and white as "you can only pursue rebels you see" (as I've discussed with you before). Simplicity is one of the many reasons why this rule shouldn't exist. After all, a jailbreak that is more simple in its rules is what many people have been yearning for, is it not?
  13. 1 point

    Clarification Thread

    Why do people constantly insist on making more, completely ridiculous and un-necessary rules? Let me explain exactly why you are completely wrong. Ts CAN leave at 647 that means that Ts can NOT leave at 648. plain and simple. No please god stop trying to use the "well dictionary says this so i am going to think this when in fact this." argument towards trying to get someone slain. no. honestly just fucking stop. and stop trying to get more rules for stupid little shitty things that you want like that, it isn't happening. Can does not mean that you may do it at this time if you choose, this is a prison establishment. Can means that you may only have the choice to do __________ at this time. no you may not do it before, and no you may not do it after (to a certain extent) as that is delaying. if you have a problem with my explanation, join TS and I will draw a map of it for you, although i think it is easy to understand. If you want a nicer explanation of the same thing, read Gkoo's response.
  14. 1 point

    Admin "Rule changing"

    "Are CTs allowed to go rebel hunting without SEEING a rebel or getting permission from the warden?" - Definitely not. In no way is this implied Anywhere in the MotD Rules. The MotD Rules state that CTs must be with Ts at All times. CTs are not permitted to go "rebel hunting" unless they have physically Seen a Rebel, or are ordered to by the Warden. There was a discussion a while back regarding this, and many players/members have been misinterpreting it. The discussion was whether or not CTs had to ask for permission from the Warden to Pursue a Rebel. This discussion ended with CTs being able to PURSUE a REBEL without the permission from Warden. No where in the discussion was "CTs can leave the Ts if under suspicion of a Rebel" established. Long story short, people have been lead to believe that you can go looking for rebels whenever you want. You may not just randomly go searching for Rebels unless you physically saw one, or were ordered to by the Warden. @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@DarkWolf6052 @@diabeetus @@Lollerskater @@snakeboyeric @@TheAlpha31 @@DeathGod @@Unit12p @@Chrono @ShdowSpy @@Cristo @@Gawd @@Trente @@Sporky @@orangejuice @@ItsAaron @@lEcho @@arvelez @@JINGS @Vector @@Mythic @@Wing @@Kirito @@John @@Jordozombie @@AbrahamL @@Phantom @TheLostCause @@Black_Rock @@Hidingmaster @@SuperNarwhal @@Superkiller67 @@Sarcast1cninja Upon request that all Staff Members be made aware of this rule. Voice your opinion or give your input, but this is what the rule is described as. This only applies to this one rule, the other statements/questions in the above posts are up to the Staff Member(s) (if multiple, discuss and come up with a solution).
  15. 1 point
    Friday with LQ: 35 people online Saturday right now: 0 people online
  16. 1 point

    Clarification Thread

    Why must it be a common sense question that you are trying to loop around? Gkoo has already explained it and therefore they shouldn't be leaving even if the warden said "Can" while the order "Outside you're a rebel" was issued. Besides i haven't seen an issue like this and someone complains about it, do bring up ones that are more troublesome.
  17. 1 point

    Clarification Thread

    Yeah. I understand where you are going with this. But you have to think in terms of the "Out of cell rebel". Making any prisoner out of there cell is kill. By the warden saying can or able, they allow the prisoners to leave at the given time. And only at a given time. Because if they leave before/early, the warden didn't say they could be out of their cell. So the only place the prisoner can be is inside their cell, until they say you can leave which it is no longer out of cell rebel. However. I, myself, will start to say "Are able" and "Don't leave until". Because I understand the confusion that is stated in this situation.
  18. 1 point

    Introduction -xGJake

    Hi Korean Welcome Back
  19. 1 point

    Clarification Thread

    If the warden says Out of cell rebel. Then says the "Can" statement. Then the kills are not freekills. Because the warden allows the Prisoners to leave by stating "can" statement, cancelling the "out of rebel". Now another easy way to avoid confusion is stating what Jake has stated. "Prisoners cannot leave their cells until 6:47."
  20. 1 point

    Game - Counter-Strike: Source

    You sir just don't quite get it do you.. it's not just a name, it's someone name known on the server and you sir are impersonating that 1 player and acting like a complete idiot. It's like me taking your name and putting on other clantag to make it seem you join and quit and join and quit clans repeatedly. Like poncher how you place the HG tag making it look like he joined up with HG after leaving xG.
  21. 1 point

    Clarification Thread

    The way I see it, if the warden (or any other CT for that matter) opens the cells before a time that T's are allowed to leave their cells is given, then the T's can leave their cells immediately. So if the cells are opened at 7:15, but warden then says T's can leave their cells at 7:00 (but not until after the cell doors were opened) then any T killed for leaving their cell before 7:00, was freekilled. However I do agree with you that if the warden says "can" instead of "can't until" it makes it seem like there is an option to leave early, or wait until the designated time.
  22. 1 point

    JustSavage - Counter-Strike: Source

    0, you are really active but I never see you on ct and you don't call warden (I don't know if too young or just shy or both) if you do call it and show that you know the rules i'll change this to a +1 9/10 A 6/10 M EDIT: Changing to a +1 because he proved that he knows motd/rules and hes really active.
  23. 0 points

    Obamacare and You

  24. -1 points

    Introduction -xGJake

    Hello gay boy. I am oldfag. How may I old you around?
  25. -1 points

    Me and DL

    all I have to say is you earned a blunt for that fucking temple....holy shit
  26. -2 points

    Introduction -xGJake

    you dont know how much i wanted to fix it to say hi im a fag -_- n hai can we be friends? in more ways than you think :)
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