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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Toob's Map

    Already made death run brighter/nicer. And added freedom pit (except you can't survive :devil: ). V5 is now on the list.Thanks! And, fuck you too YONI, I mean LQuidator...
  2. 1 point

    Bring back HLDJ

    If @autumn does this. I'll update Parabellum.
  3. 1 point

    Community Day #3

    i know what you meant you retard. legitimate history is too easy. If entirely left to you guys, you would be giving out credits for questions like 2+2... :| xG history is good regardless of new or old members. hell even the co hosts didn't know what they were talking about. i think it was superkiller who asked an xG history question that wasn't on the list i gave them "who were the first two leaders of xG?" i didn't tell forest that all questions had to be xG history, it was a suggestion that came with about 20 questions included. and then i told him also not to do anything outside of that considered easy... like math or easy history or geography, if they are getting credits it needs to be hard. and on top of that if you are part of a community it is good to know a little bit about it so for those who were correct it is great for those not, they learned a little bit about us. did i mention that even if he made the question "who was the first co-leader with silence for xG?" or "who were the first two co-leaders for xG?" his answer would have still been wrong. also @@Forest i will co-host if you need help
  4. 1 point
    im gone for a week, and now we have bots? o.o
  5. 1 point

    Lol this is a joke

    I believe that in sourcebans you need to specify a reason that tells us that they should not be unbanned. Like 'banned for serious matters - BLACKLISTED' or something like that
  6. 1 point
    i was just fucking with ya the other day nick, i'm a mr, not a mrs lol, and i live 12583.18KM away from the closest point of "Murica", so i don't like getting up at 3am just to play jb, looking that in the past i used to connect at any given time and the server would be well populated.
  7. 1 point

    Leaving xG peace

    Lol I have his nudes, from tinychat. Bye african.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point

    Bigga - Counter-Strike: Source

    You're all crazy. Like I would apply that to someone as sexy as Bigga or Poncher or any other people of their stature trying to rejoin.
  10. 0 points

    Leaving <3

    Sad to announce that I'm leaving xenogamers. I honestly have no time anymore so I'd just be demoted, might as well do it myself. I'm going to miss you all a LOT <3 but here are my grades and this is the reason I'm leaving: Math: C+ History: D+ Reading: B- Writing: D Science: F there you have it. as I said before, I'll miss you all but my grades are slipping a lot. I probably have about 50+ missing assignments thanks to the 1100+ hours I've played on TF2. I'll be on the servers on the weekends maybe and very rarely during the weekdays. it would be an okay assumption to make that I'll be back during the summer. however for now, I'll be removing my tag. thank you for the fantastic fun that I've had in these servers with these fantastic people. <3 dafuq you reading these white texts for you dumb ass white bitch goodbye <3
  11. 0 points

    Leaving <3

    it is with a student teacher who has no idea what she's doing
  12. 0 points

    Taking A Leave

    Well this will be the longest leave of absence I will ever take. I'll be back in 2 hours. I'm sorry! Hopefully chaos won't ensue! Also have you seen aegean's sex tape? xenogamers.com/aegeannaked.avi
  13. 0 points

    I blew up my modem :(

    Are you sad because he went to his parent's house and not yours for internet? In England.
  14. -1 points

    So I have this idea...

    I vote that silence starts raising money for an xG conference/meeting thing in wherever the fuck he wants ...and then this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx1jTAKEs7g
  15. -1 points
    30/35 seg and STFU FAG! :mad::rage:
  16. -1 points

    Gun Game

    Just make a fucking Zombitch server, fucking faggot :rage:
  17. -1 points

    Toob's Map

    They are allowed to use it. I put it up on CSbanana so that people could use my map if they like. Basically, if you publish your map, anyone is allowed to use it. I think it's cool that it's on other servers! But I have V5 coming out soon with some updates. Such as improved deathrun, eaiser to guard surf, bigger pool, added freedom pit, ect..
  18. -1 points

    Toob's Map

    I see thats really cool (y)
  19. -1 points

    Toob's Map

    Damn, I think that's pretty awesome. :D Perhaps toobalot will be expanded to EVERY server. :D
  20. -1 points

    Toob's Map

    I agree, toobalot was the first map I came back to when my computer decided to let jb work, and I loved it.
  21. -1 points

    Leaving xG peace

    leadership sucks and im gay but not into gay nerds... just regular gays
  22. -1 points

    gay ass shit

    some gay ass shit happened in TS today and i decided it is my time. i am leaving the choice up to you guys. do i leave? or do i stay? i am posting this because i want to see if the community really needs me or if i am just a shitty person who slays people. this is your choice xG. i came here with the mind set that i would help change the community and it has changed, but with out the help of me. -Death God oh ya, give your honest opinion.
  23. -1 points

    Toob's Map

    So today i was just looking through the servers list since I had nothing better to do lol and I saw an asian jailbreak server with toob's map on it. @@Flatline, and hawkeye would know this server. So are they allowed to have toob's make since technically it does not belong to them? Or are maps allowed to be everywhere no matter what for jailbreak.
  24. -2 points

    Taking A Leave

    You're still here? Just give me leader, no one likes you. Btw at least charge people for showing my sex tape assface
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