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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point


    In-Game Name Miguel Caballero Rojo Division Team Fortress 2 Previous Member No Identity 76561198073542318 Previously Banned No Time Active on Servers 1-2 yr Reason for Joining I like the servers
  2. 1 point

    Xeno Gamers Facebook Messenger Bot

    Xeno Gamers Facebook Messenger Automated Response Bot Hello, A few days ago I started implementing automatic responses to the Messenger chat for the Xeno Gamers page. Here are some of the commands (keywords) you are able to use at this time to get helpful information, links, tips, and answers to frequently asked questions. (If you say a sentence and the keywords are inside of it, you will receive an automated response, if that is not what you wanted as a response please leave a message with the words “Non-bot response” and I’ll do my best to answer your question and/or add your question to the automated responses.) Screenshot of the Month {screenshot, screenshot of the month, sotm} Build of the Month {build, build of the month, botm} Feedback (to be added) {feedback, review, suggestion} More to come! Thread will be updated as new keywords and triggers are added to the bot. Please do not spam the bot, you will be blocked permanently from using this feature.
  3. 1 point

    The situation as I see it

    So I just read your whole post, and I have a few comments. 1. I appreciate you actually taking the time to laying out your thoughts like this, it not only shows you care, but you're also trying to improve xG which is where your frustration comes from so I honestly want to say thank you for that. 2. Higher ups having their own stuff to deal with always comes at the price of xG. I think some of it comes from it school, waiting for the forums to be fully functional, and of course complacency which I don't think anyone is fully innocent of (including me) aside from Virr and Rhodo. I think keeping communication active is key as a higherup, and if you can't be reached or participate in important discussion based on your area, you should at least have a valid reasoning for it. Not communicating or responding to messages isn't right. 3. The higher ups need to make themselves stand out more. This can be in terms of communicating with the community more on forums and discord as it's already a given that they play on their servers. Just talk to your community, share ideas, ask questions etc. All in all a good post, and definitely something for us to improve on as a whole in xG
  4. 1 point


    This is a staff application, not a shitposting thread. Keep the memes to your discord, kthx Best of luck on your application @Donakonda
  5. -1 points


    it was a 30 minute ban for trolling that has expired, you are clearly still trolling, +1 for extend ban ?
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