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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. I need some good builders to build spawn, the tutorial, the mall and such. Prove to me you can build and show us your portfolio! To apply, show me your skills on the Xeno Gamers creative server! The IP is c.xenogamers.com !
  2. Make it so it doesn't stick out like that. Then it would be a solid logo!
  3. Alright added! Thanks for the suggestions!
  4. Lol psp that looks like duckii's logo!
  5. If you shoot someone with a bomb, they explode! Only if the bomb is armed though! Also maybe a random effect where the bomb starts smoking, and the T has between 10~25 seconds before it explodes!
  6. It's gotta be 512x512. read the rules!
  7. Make it, there isn't any rules against good photos, and I bet you are full of it anyways ;)
  8. Yes. I want a good logo, not the best crappy logo LOL.
  9. What? All that would change with hats plugin is that when u join server or the map changes, you won't have to re-equip the hat again, and adding the ability to choose a hat when your dead. What do you think I'm doing with it?
  10. o.o oh lawdy! It's like an acid trip!
  11. Alright, we have come to a point where we need a symbol to represent Xeno Gamers. So I have decided to have a contest! Xeno Gamers Logo Contest!!! This open to ALL! You do not have to be a member to participate! Alright here are the rules: 1. IT CANNOT HAVE 'XENO GAMERS' IN IT! This is supposed to be a symbol, not someone typing 'Xeno Gamers' into MS-PAINT and calling that our new logo. You will be immediately disqualified if you post something like this. An example can be seen here: 2. The image MUST be in PSD format when posting. Make a PNG version as a preview on the forum, so we can see it better! The image must also have the following specifications: 200PPI, at least 512px,512px 3. You may not use someone else's previous work. This will get you disqualified. 4. The logo MUST NOT take up the entire image. There MUST be room around the image that is set as transparent. This is so we don't have a box as a logo :P If the logo does take up the entire image, you are automatically disqualified! 5. You may enter as many times as you want. 6. There may NOT be any game names on the logo. If you win, you will get $60 dollars worth of games on Steam or Origin! Second place winners get any donation pack of their choice, either in CSS, TF2, or Minecraft. THE CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER 15th! Plenty of time so make it look snazzy! Good Luck!
  12. Alright, we need suggestions so we can run the best server ever! At the moment, I want to remove the market plugin and MAYBE get a chestshop plugin that doesn't stink. I also added a few plugins yesterday CHANGE COLOR OF YOUR SIGN BY PUTTING CROSSHAIR OVER THE SIGN AND SCROLLING WITH SCROLL WHEEL! PREVENTED SAND/GRAVEL/RED STONE SPAWN GLITCH (haaa) So the main point of this thread, is that we need ideas to get people to donate! So offer them now!
  13. Rhododendron


    Well, the donation system HAS been having issues, but if your code doesn't work I can add you manually!
  14. Rhododendron


    YOU NeVER SAID ANYTHING AbOUT NERO!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjgFYQMWtqo ---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ---------- PS: it's a joke, he's overplayed too :P
  15. Nothing is expensive when you have magic beans!
  16. No, it's the box the CS:S and TF2 servers are hosted on.
  17. It says you live in Tennessee. I live in New York :P ---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ---------- Alright I got a guy working on the Promoting and Demotion plugin. Should be done by Nov. 4th!