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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Nope. You don't deserve for me to find it! ---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 PM ---------- [video=youtube_share;IB5DltVA-RE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB5DltVA-RE
  2. Rhododendron


    Post some good hardstyle songs!!! Please leave dubstep at frontdoor :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k8cXDaMgWg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU1VH9jWfoo [video=youtube_share;dRWfGHz5U1I]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRWfGHz5U1I [video=youtube_share;ksxcJHYpYNo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksxcJHYpYNo
  3. Yeah it seems to be everyone D: ---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ---------- "The minecraft authentication servers are down (this is a different server from minecraft.net website) , can't be fixed, just wait till Mojang fixes it."
  4. I want a spray. It should be Bowser surfing playing the electric guitar with notes of cheese coming from the guitar and on the top in big black letters it says, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICK!"Do it!
  5. Ok replaced BHOP. Server is done and up!
  6. Hmm which server should I replace D: I rather not make another one.
  7. Errr I either make 2 layers with each letter on each layer. That's the easiest way. Orrrr rasterize the one layer and color each letter accordingly.
  8. mhmhmjmhmhmjmjmjmjmhmhmhmh I'll see you there.
  9. Rhododendron

    RS Clan

    I meant ask me to use it. I never said you cannot.
  10. Rhododendron

    RS Clan

    Runescape? You, sir, have lost all credibility. Are you SURE you aren't 12? lol anyways you should have asked me about using the xG name :P
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW7KOZNtn0w
  12. I am not adding obstacle course maps since they empty a server fast. (gotta remove the current ones too so don't call me a hypocrite :P) Find maps that are fun and actually test them :D
  13. It's the Steam Connect plugin. If Steam goes down the website goes down with it for a second. I'm trying to fix it so just bear with it for the time being.
  14. If you hold a stick and right click a block, it will tell you who placed it.
  15. Donate $10 and I have it up in 30 minutes.
  16. Alright, one 64 slot server is in order but if you guys want another we need ~$50 since the hardware required to run the game is insane. Also idk what type of server it should be so tell me if it should be rush or whatever type of gamemode BF3 offers.
  17. Tips on how to run a server, join #sourcemod on GameSurge and PM everyone with green next to their name. They will help you greatly!
  18. Rhododendron

    Guess what?

    Just found $25 on the road. [ATTACH]640.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. We are going to release a few servers, so we need some people to be mods on them! If you want to be, post your name, Origin ID, and why you think you should be mod!
  20. Also, you can link your Xbox gamer tag to your profile.
  21. Added new BBcodes for +1 and -1. When making a new post you should see +1 and -1 in the toolbar. Click one, and type the message you want to go after it. They are in beta atm and I will clean up later :D Tests are below! [+1]This post is amazing. Spoiler's for sexy people :D[/+1] [-1]I hate this post. It goes against my religious belifs.[/-1]